Source:Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Volume 45
Author(s): Farida Grinberg, Ivan I. Maximov, Ezequiel Farrher, N. Jon Shah
Conventional fibre tractography methods based on diffusion tensor imaging exploit diffusion anisotropy and directionality in the range of low diffusion weightings (b-values). High b-value Biexponential Diffusion Tensor Analysis reported previously has demonstrated that fractional anisotropy of the slow diffusion component is essentially higher than that of conventional diffusion tensor imaging whereas popular compartment models associate this slow diffusion component with axonal water fraction. One of the primary aims of this study is to elucidate the feasibility and potential benefits of "microstructure-informed" whole-brain slow-diffusion fibre tracking (SDIFT) in humans. In vivo diffusion-weighted images in humans were acquired in the extended range of diffusion weightings≤6000smm−2 at 3T. Fast and slow diffusion tensors were reconstructed using the bi-exponential tensor decomposition, and a detailed statistical analysis of the relevant whole-brain tensor metrics was performed. We visualised three-dimensional fibre tracts in in vivo human brains using deterministic streamlining via the major eigenvector of the slow diffusion tensor. In particular, we demonstrated that slow-diffusion fibre tracking provided considerably higher fibre counts of long association fibres and allowed one to reconstruct more short association fibres than conventional diffusion tensor imaging. SDIFT is suggested to be useful as a complimentary method capable to enhance reliability and visualisation of the evaluated fibre pathways. It is especially informative in precortical areas where the uncertainty of the mono-exponential tensor evaluation becomes too high due to decreased anisotropy of low b-value diffusion in these areas. Benefits can be expected in assessment of the residual axonal integrity in tissues affected by various pathological conditions, in surgical planning, and in evaluation of cortical connectivity, in particular, between Brodmann's areas.