
Δευτέρα 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

Benefits and adverse events of melatonin use in the elderly (Review)

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Exp Ther Med. 2022 Mar;23(3):219. doi: 10.3892/etm.2022.11142. Epub 2022 Jan 14.


Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in accordance with the circadian rhythm when the light level decreases. Reduction of melatonin secretion with age may be associated with physiological aging in neurodegenerative diseases by affecting the suprachiasmatic nucleus or of the neuronal pathways of transmission to the pineal gland. A significant decrease in melatonin synthesis has been reported in various disorders and diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders (particularly diabetes type 2), cancer and endocrine diseases. In addition to the fact, that melatonin is a sleep inducer, it also exerts cytoprotective properties as an antioxidant and free radical scavenger. The therapeutic role of melatonin has been demonstrated in sleep disorders, eye damage and cardiovascular disease. The association between melatonin a nd β-blockers has had a positive impact on sleep disorders in clinical trials. Previous studies have reported the anti-inflammatory effect of melatonin by adjusting levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1β and tumor necrosis factor-α. Melatonin treatment has been demonstrated to decrease IL-6 and IL-10 expression levels and efficiently attenuate T-cell proliferation. Currently, there is an inconsistency of scientific data regarding the lowest optimal dose and safety of melatonin for long-term use. The aim of the present review was to summarize the evidence on the role of melatonin in various clinical conditions and highlight the future research in this area.

PMID:35126722 | PMC:PMC8796282 | DOI:10.3892/etm.2022.11142

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Role of antioxidants and oxidative stress in the evolution of acute pancreatitis (Review)

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Exp Ther Med. 2022 Mar;23(3):197. doi: 10.3892/etm.2022.11120. Epub 2022 Jan 5.


Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a severe disease with a high prevalence and 3 to 15% mortality worldwide, which can represent an important challenge for the physician. Oxidative stress and antioxidants are involved in AP progression. The mechanisms responsible for the onset and progression of AP are still poorly understood. Previous studies have highlighted the important contribution of antioxidants and oxidative stress in AP. The existence of a relationship between oxidative stress and antioxidants in AP is unquestionable, although a more accurate understanding of the mechanistic pathways involved is required to create a solid basis for potential prevention or treatment strategies. Further investigation is needed to clarify the role of antioxidant status and the severity of AP and to determine the association between oxidative stress and pancreatic enz yme activities. Antioxidant therapy may represent an interesting option for the management of patients with AP, although additional information about the effectiveness of this potential treatment is required.

PMID:35126700 | PMC:PMC8794551 | DOI:10.3892/etm.2022.11120

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Breast and abdominal scarring after DIEP flap breast reconstruction: An exploration of patient-reported scar quality

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J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2022 Jan 14:S1748-6815(22)00002-X. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2021.12.003. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: This research aimed to explore factors associated with patient-reported breast and abdominal scar quality after deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap breast reconstruction (BR).

MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study was designed as a descriptive cross-sectional survey in which women after DIEP flap BR were invited to complete an online survey on breast and abdominal scarring. The online survey was distributed in the Netherlands in several ways in order to reach a diverse population of women. Outcomes were assessed with the Patient Scale of the Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale (POSAS). Additional items were assessed with a numeric rating scale (NRS).

RESULTS: A total of 248 women completed the survey. There was a statistically significant worse POSAS scar appraisal for the abdominal scar compared with the breast scar. The vast majority of women reported high scores on at least one scar characteristic of their breast scar or abdominal scar. Overall, color, stiffness, thickness, and irregularity scored higher than pain and itching. Women were only moderately positive about the size, noticeability, location, and the information provided regarding scarring.

CONCLUSION: It is crucial to address the inevitability of scars in patient education before a DIEP flap BR, with a particular focus on the abdominal scar, as women experience abdominal scars significantly worse than their breast scars. Providing more information on the experience of other women and the expected appearance will contribute to having realistic expectations while allowing them to make well-informed decisions.

PMID:35125306 | DOI:10.1016/j.bjps.2021.12.003

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Multiple spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leaks: a rare case report and review of literature

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AME Case Rep. 2022 Jan 25;6:5. doi: 10.21037/acr-21-36. eCollection 2022.


While a spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leak (sCSFL) is a rare phenomenon, patients who present with multiple cerebrospinal fluid leaks (mCSFLs) are an even rarer entity. There have been documented cases reported over the last decades, but many with only limited descriptions of each patient. We present a mCSFL patient as a case report and demonstrate the need for future prospective studies to improve further understanding and management of the condition. This is explored through summarizing the literature on mCSFLs to the present time. A 45-year-old obese female presented with a 5-week history of bilateral clear nasal discharge with no previous surgery or trauma. Initially misdiagnosed as allergic rhinitis, nasal discharge was later confirmed positive for beta-2-transferrin and a CT scan revealed multiple bony areas of skull base erosion. The patient underwent image guided endoscopic sinus surgery with multilayer skull base defect repair of three active CSFLs. Three months post-operatively the patient had no evidence of a recurrence. As mCSFL tend to be sporadic and asymptomatic in nature, it is likely they are underreported. Future prospective studies in the area of mCSFLs that take into consideration demographic and geographical information are needed for more accurate interpretation and better recruitment. Additionally, studies need to ensure longer follow-up time due to the underlying chronicity of increased intracranial pressure (ICP) and investigate whether or not a non-active leak site should be repaired or left alone.

PMID:35128313 | PMC:PMC8762381 | DOI:10.21037/acr-21-36

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Hipoacusia sensorioneural unilateral: Revisión de los manejos posibles en nuestra realidad nacional

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Resumen La hipoacusia unilateral (HUL) definida como la pérdida auditiva de cualquier grado en un solo oído tiene prevalencias en edad escolar de 3% a 6%. La etiología es desconocida en la mayoría de los casos, pero destacan las anormalidades anatómicas severas a diferencia de las hipoacusias bilaterales, lo que le otorga importancia al estudio de imágenes. También se recomienda realizar evaluación oftalmológica. El impacto de la HUL se observa en la localización sonora, reconocimiento del habla, desarrollo del lenguaje, desempeño social y conducta, pero por sobre todo en el rendimiento académico. En este sentido es relevante mencionar que además de existir mayor probabilidad de repitencia de curso, es necesario mayor apoyo educacional individualizado para evitar dicha repitencia o lograr mismo éxito académico que un normoyente. En relación al diagnóstico aún faltan normas o protocolos, siendo éste un desafío en las zonas donde no hay screening universal. Se discute la importancia de las encuestas para realizar evaluaciones y seguimiento en estos casos. Finalmente se abordan las estrategias de intervención disponibles, además de un plan individualizado considerando al niño, su familia y sus expectativas, particularmente se discuten las características o factores a tomar en cuenta en el momento de la adaptación, para así lograr un tratamiento tendiente al éxito.
Abstract Unilateral hearing loss (UHL) defined as hearing loss of any degree in only one ear has a school-age prevalence of 3% to 6%. The etiology is unknown in most cases, but severe anatomical abnormalities stand out as opposed to bilateral hearing loss, which gives importance to the study of images. Ophthalmological evaluation is also recommended. The impact of UHL is observed in sound localization, speech recognition, language development, social performance and behavior, but above all in academic performance. In this sense, it is relevant to mention that in additi on to having a higher probability of repeating the course, it is necessary to have more individualized educational support to avoid this repetition or achieve the same academic success as a normal listener. Regarding the diagnosis, there are still missing norms or protocols, this being a challenge in areas where there is no universal screening. The importance of surveys to carry out evaluations and follow-up in these cases is discussed. Finally, the available intervention strategies are discussed, in addition to an individualized plan considering the child, his family and his expectations, particularly, the factors to be taken into account at the time of adaptation, in order to achieve a success treatment.
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Adenitis cervical con anaerobios sin causa aparente en lactante

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Resumen Las adenopatías cervicales benignas en lactantes son relativamente frecuentes, se definen como el aumento de volumen ganglionar de más de 1 cm, sin síntomas sistémicos y cuando están presentes, el término correcto es adenitis. Para su estudio, las adenitis se dividen en: locales, sistémicas, unilaterales, bilaterales, agudas, crónicas, y por edad, con diferentes etiologías. Se presenta el caso clínico de un lactante de 11 meses de edad con diagnóstico de adenitis cervical abscedada unilateral aguda, con cuadro de 72 h de evolución, con crecimiento constante a nivel cervical derecho, compromiso del estado general, fiebre y anorexia, por lo que se inician antibióticos de primera línea para los agentes bacterianos más frecuentes (Staphylococcus aureus y Streptococcus pyogenes), con evolución tórpida a las 48 h, por lo que se solicita ultrasonido cervical, ya que la familia no contaba con recursos para solicitar cultivo o tomografía, reportando el ultrason ido ganglio cervical de 3,5 cm de diámetro abscedado, por lo que se agrega cobertura para anaerobios, con respuesta muy favorable a las 24 h. Queda la duda del origen de los anaerobios en la paciente, sin antecedentes de importancia y en grupo etario diferente al afectado por esos gérmenes. Consideramos este caso interesante por su comportamiento atípico, para el enriquecimiento del ejercicio de la otorrinolaringología, recalcando el invaluable apoyo de la clínica y solo con un ultrasonido, ya que no siempre se tendrán todos los recursos disponibles, pero siguiendo las pautas de lo reportado en la literatura, se tuvo una resolución exitosa.
Abstract Benign cervical lymphadenopathies in infants are relatively frequent, they are defined as an increase in lymph node volume of more than 1 cm, without systemic symptoms, and when they are present, the correct term is adenitis. For its study, adenitis is divided into: local, systemic, unilateral, bilateral, acute, chronic, and by age, with different etiologies. An 11-month-old infant with a diagnosis of acute unilateral abscessed cervical adenitis, with a 72 h evolution, with constant growth at the right cervical level, fever and anorexia, for which first-line antibiotics were started to the most frequent bacterial agents (Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes), with torpid evolution at 48 h, for which only cervical ultrasound is requested, since the family did not have the resources to request culture or tomography, reporting the cervical ganglion ultrasound of 3.5 cm of abscessed diameter, so coverage for anaerobes is added, with a very favorable response at 24 hrs. There remains the doubt of the origin of the anaerobes in the patient, without important antecedents and in an age group different from that affected by these germs. We consider this case interesting due to its atypical behavior, for the enrichment of the otolaryngology exercise, emphasizing the invaluable support of the clinic, and only with an ultrasound, since other clinical tools were not available, but following the guidelines of what is reported in literature, there was a successful resolution.
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Complicaciones intraoperatorias en cirugía endoscópica nasosinusal en Servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital del Salvador, revisión en los últimos 10 años

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Resumen Introducción: La cirugía endoscópica nasal (CEN) corresponde a una técnica quirúrgica mínimamente invasiva. Ha disminuido la morbimortalidad secundaria al acto quirúrgico. Pese a esto, no está exenta de riesgos y sus complicaciones pueden variar en severidad desde leves hasta catastróficas, siendo la hemorragia nasal la más frecuente. Objetivo: Analizar las complicaciones intraoperatorias, factores asociados a complicaciones y manejo en nuestra realidad local. Material y Método: Estudio retrospectivo, revisión de protocolos operatorios de pacientes atendidos en el Hospital del Salvador entre los años 2009 y 2019. Resultados: Se revisaron 602 cirugías de las cuales se excluyeron 18. De un total de 584 CEN realizadas durante los últimos diez años, la incidencia de complicaciones intraoperatorias fue de 3,3%. Sólo se observaron complicaciones hemorrágicas (2%) y orbitarias (1,2%). La incidencia de complicaciones mayores fue 0,51%. La única variable a sociada de forma significativa con la presencia de complicación intraoperatoria fue el tiempo quirúrgico. Conclusión: Como centro presentamos una tasa de complicaciones intraoperatorias de CEN baja en los últimos diez años, dentro de las cuales las más frecuentes son las hemorrágicas y las orbitarias; comparables con la literatura internacional. Se establece el primer reporte a nivel nacional sobre las complicaciones intraoperatorias de CEN.
Abstract Introduction: Endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) is a minimally invasive surgical technique. It has decreased morbidity and mortality secondary to the surgical act. Despite this, endoscopic sinus surgery is not a risk-free procedure and its complications can range from mild to severe, with nosebleed being the most frequent. Aim: To analyze the surgical results of nasal endoscopic surgery, with its intraoperative complications and management in our local reality. Material and Method: Retrospective study, review of operative pro tocols of patients attended at the Salvador Hospital between 2009 and 2019. Results: 602 surgeries were reviewed, of which 18 were excluded. Of a total of 584 ESS performed during the last ten years, the incidence of intraoperative complications was 3,3%. Only hemorrhagic (2%) and orbital complications (1,2%) were observed. The incidence of major complications was 0,51%. The only variable significantly associated with the presence of intraoperative complications was surgical time. Conclusion: As a center, we present a low rate of intraoperative complications of ESS in the last ten years, among which the most frequent are hemorrhagic and orbital; comparable to international literature. The first national report on intraoperative complications of ESS is established.
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Resumen Introducción: La timpanoplastía es el tratamiento de elección en la otitis media crónica simple. En Chile se han realizado diversos estudios para evaluar el éxito de la timpanoplastía. En nuestro centro evaluamos el resultado anatómico y funcional, correlacionando los resultados con la demografía de nuestra población. Objetivo: Realizar una descripción epidemiológica de los pacientes con diagnóstico de otitis media crónica simple, sometidos a timpanoplastía en el Hospital San Vicente de Arauco entre los años 2017 y 2019. Material y Método: Estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo. Se revisaron las fichas clínicas de pacientes con cirugía realizada entre enero de 2017 y noviembre de 2019. Este estudio cuenta con la aprobación del comité de ética del servicio de salud Arauco. Resultados: Se realizaron 77 timpanoplastías. 56 oídos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. 71,43% fueron de sexo femenino. El rango de edad es de 8 a 64 años. 92,86% corres ponde a timpanoplastía tipo I. Se utilizó un abordaje endoauricular en el 58,93%. El injerto utilizado fue predominantemente compuesto (cartílago-pericondrio) en un 75%. Se usó una técnica medial en un 94,94%. Se obtuvo un éxito anatómico 85,71% de los pacientes. Se obtuvo una ganancia sobre 10 dB en un 60,71% de los pacientes. Conclusión: No se encontraron diferencias significativas importantes que relacionan las elecciones quirúrgicas con los resultados anatómicos y auditivos del procedimiento a mediano plazo.
Abstract Introduction: Tympanoplasty is the treatment of choice for chronic otitis media. In Chile, several studies have been carried out to evaluate the success of tympanoplasty. Here, we assesed the anatomical and functional outcomes, correlating the results with the demographics of our population. Aim: To carry out an epidemiological description of patients with a diagnosis of chronic otitis media who underwent tympanoplasty at our hospital between 2017 an d 2019. Material and Method: Retrospective, descriptive study. We reviewed clinical records of patients who underwent surgery between January 2017 and November 2019. This study has been approved by the ethics committee of Arauco health service. Results: 77 tympanoplasties were performed, of which 56 ears met the inclusion criteria. 71.43% were female. The age range is 8 to 64 years. 41% had chronic pathologies. 51.79% were left ear surgeries. 92.86% were type I tympanoplasty. An endoauricular approach was performed in 58.93%. A cartilage - perichondrium composite graft was used in 75% of the surgeries. A medial technique was performed in 94.94%. Anatomical success was achieved in 85.71% of patients. An average gain over 10 dB was obtained in 60.71% of the patients. Conclusion: There were no significant differences regarding the surgical choices with the anatomical and auditory results.
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