I wish to congratulate Bachour and colleagues for their article1 in which they investigated risk factors for developing capsular contracture in women after breast implant surgery in a systematic review of the literature. Longer duration of follow-up, breast reconstructive surgery in patients with a history of breast cancer, subglandular implant placement, postoperative hematoma, and a textured implant surface were found to be a presumptive increased risk factors. However, authors did not take adjuvant radiotherapy into consideration as a risk factor in breast cancer patients.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
Σάββατο 25 Αυγούστου 2018
Adjuvant radiotherapy as a risk factor for developing capsular contracture in women after breast implant surgery
Commentary – Consensus research priorities for facial palsy: a Delphi survey of patients, carers, clinicians and researchers
Facial paralysis is a devastating medical condition with approximately 50 cases per 100,000 in the United States.1 The psychological and social distress in individuals with facial paralysis is well documented.2 The overall societal burden and costs are less well understood. With divergent priorities and finite healthcare and research funds, the need for focused research efforts to maximize treatment outcomes is ever more important. This study by Hamlet et al highlights a novel attempt to develop research priorities for facial paralysis using a Delphi survey of a multi-disciplinary group of facial nerve experts, patients and caregivers.
Variation in the perioperative care of women undergoing abdominal-based microvascular breast reconstruction in the United Kingdom (The optiFLAPP Study)
Abdominal-based microvascular breast reconstruction constitutes approximately one fifth of reconstructions following mastectomy for breast cancer. Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols have been implemented to improve patient care. The aim of this project was to identify variation in the perioperative care of women undergoing microvascular breast reconstruction to inform development of an ERAS protocol.
Behavioral activity patterns of adult and juvenile Greater Flamingos ( Phoenicopterus roseus ) with alteration of climatic pattern at Uchalli Lake, Punjab, Pakistan
A study was carried out at Uchalli Lake, District Khushab on Greater Flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus) to find their behavioral activity pattern. The hypothesis that local climatic temperature affects the wintering behavior of Greater Flamingos was tested. Data were collected for a period of 3 days in March and 10 days in April using focal animal analysis. Each day was divided into four periods (7–8 a.m., 10–11 a.m., 1–2 p.m., and 4–5 p.m.). Activity patterns included characters like feeding, resting, flying, walking, preening, aggression, and alert. Results showed that feeding was the major activity for adults (51.06%) and juveniles (56.51%). Juveniles spent more time (t = − 2.02, p < 0.05) feeding than adults. There was a highly significant difference (t = 3.20, p < 0.01) in alert between adults and juveniles across time periods. Adults spent more time alert (8.3%) than juveniles (4.49%). Only aggression and alert in adults and walking and alert in juveniles was found significantly correlated to change with temperature. The findings of the present study highlighted the need of in-depth eco-ethological study of Greater Flamingo and hydrology of wetland.
Contamination of Indian sea salts with microplastics and a potential prevention strategy
This study reports the contamination of Indian sea salts with different microplastic particles, as a consequence of using contaminated sea water. Samples from all eight brands of investigated sea salts were found contaminated, and concentrations of these particles ranged from 103 ± 39 to 56 ± 49 particles kg−1 of salt. Both fibers and fragments were observed with large variation in size. Eighty percent of the extracted fibers and the fragments were smaller than 2000 μm and 500 μm respectively. Extracted particles were mostly polyesters, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyamide, polyethylene, and polystyrene. Their total mass concentration was also estimated as 63.76 μg kg−1 of salt. These results are significant, since India is a leading producer and exporter of sea salts. A simple sand filtration of artificially contaminated sea water could effectively (> 85% removal by weight and > 90% removal by number) remove these microplastics and has the potential for preventing the transfer of microplastics into the salt from contaminated sea waters.
Isolation and characterization of phosphate solubilizing bacteria from rhizosphere soils of the Yeyahu Wetland in Beijing, China
Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) can convert insoluble forms of phosphorus (P) to accessible forms. 11 strains of PSB, including five inorganic phosphate solubilizing bacteria (IPSBs) and six organic phosphate solubilizing bacteria (OPSBs), were isolated from rhizosphere soils of three plants Scirpus planiculmis, Zizania latifolia, and Phrnagmites australis in the Yeyahu Wetland of Beijing, China to investigate P-solubilizing activities. In addition, the distributions of P fractions in soil samples were also observed. All strains evaluated above 1.0 by the ratio of transparent circle diameter to colony diameter (D/d) on Ca3(PO4)2 or lecithin plates were identified by 16S rRNA sequencing. Results showed that Ca-bound P (Ca-P) was the main species of inorganic P (IP), and highly resistant organic P (HR-OP) accounted for the most part of organic P (OP). These strains were identified as bacterial species of Enterobacter asburiae, Acinetobacter sp., Bacillus cereus strain, and so on. The most efficient IPSB strain could convert over 430 mg L−1 orthophosphate, while the equivalent OPSB strain only liberated less than 4 mg L−1 in liquid culture, which indicated that IPSBs have a better P-solubilizing ability than OPSBs in rhizosphere soils of the Yeyahu Wetland and IPSBs are likely to regulate the P transformation process in this wetland.
Graphical abstract

Comparison of temporomandibular joint shape and size in patients with facial asymmetry
To examine the morphologic similarities and differences in mandibular condyle and glenoid fossa between the deviated and non-deviated sides in patients with facial asymmetry using statistical analysis.
One hundred eighty-four patients (95 men, 89 women; mean age, 22.30 ± 3.87 years) with facial asymmetry were examined with cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Shape analysis was performed to compare the shapes and sizes of the condyle and fossa between the deviated and non-deviated sides in the frontal and lateral aspects. Ordinary Procrustes analysis (OPA) was used to determine shape variations of the fossa and condyle.
Shape variations derived from ordinary sum of squares (OSS) suggested that, in the frontal aspect, there was a difference between the two sides in both the fossa and condyle (P < 0.05). In the lateral aspect, there was no difference in fossa shape between the two sides (P > 0.05); however, the shape of condyle was different between the non-deviated and deviated sides (P < 0.05). Size comparison in OPA matching and centroid size (CS) in the frontal aspect demonstrated that the non-deviated side was larger than the deviated side. In the lateral aspect, fossa showed no difference in CS between the two sides (P > 0.05); however, the non-deviated side was larger than the deviated side for condyle (P < 0.05).
Morphometric differences in condyle and fossa between the deviated and non-deviated sides were observed. Structures of the non-deviated side were relatively larger than those of the deviated side, except for fossa in the lateral aspect.
Influence of earthworm bioturbation on metals phytoavailability and human gastric bioaccessibility
At the global scale, urban agriculture is increasingly developing in cities due to demographic growth and sustainable food concerns. But, urban soils are frequently polluted with metals. In urban gardens, organic matter is also commonly added both to valorize organic household waste and to promote biophysicochemical fertility. As earthworms promote the decomposition and the recycling of soil organic matter, they can also influence the biogeochemical cycle of metals in urban polluted soils. In order to produce safe vegetables in urban areas, it is crucial to highlight the mechanisms involved in complex soil-earthworm-plant ecosystems. An experiment was set up to examine these relationships using lettuce cultivated in controlled conditions with RHIZOtest® devices. Thanks to the RHIZOtest® devices, metal transfer and bioaccessibility were for the first time compared for urban polluted soil without (1—urban soil polluted with Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn: essential or toxic metals currently found in environment, SNB) and with bioturbation (2—this metal-polluted soil subjected to earthworm bioturbation, SB) and earthworm casts (3—earthworm casts produced in this polluted soil and naturally enriched in organic matter and microorganisms, T). Metal concentration, phytoavailability, and human gastric bioaccessibility were determined in the different samples. Results showed that earthworm bioturbation increased the phytoavailability of all the metals. For the experimental condition SB, the phytoavailability of metals was increased up to 75% compared to SNB. In addition, surprisingly, metal phytoavailability was always superior in SB compared to earthworm casts (T). Moreover, earthworms led to an increase in Zn gastric bioaccessibility up to 10% in the soils in the same way as for phytoavailability, meaning Zn bioaccessibility in SB > T > SNB, whereas it remained unchanged in the lettuces. These data are important to promote sustainable agriculture activities in urban areas; actually, databases concerning different experimental conditions are needed to develop decision support tools.
Maximization of CO 2 storage for various solvent types in indirect carbonation using paper sludge ash
This study aimed to maximise the amount of CO2 storage by indirect carbonation using paper sludge ash (PSA), which is an alkaline industrial waste. The properties of the following three types of solvents were considered: acids (acetic acid and hydrochloric acid), ammonium salts (ammonium chloride and ammonium acetate) and others (sodium citrate and water). When carbon dioxide was injected into calcium leachates prepared from PSA using acids, carbonation did not occur, and using ammonium salts as solvent, the carbonation efficiency was low. However, after pH swing of the leachates using sodium hydroxide and ammonia solution for acid and ammonium salt solvents, up to 324 kg CO2/(ton PSA) and 175 kg CO2/(ton PSA) were stored, respectively. When carbon dioxide was injected into calcium leachates prepared from PSA using sodium citrate or water, solid was initially generated which later dissolved. In order to solve this problem, CO2 injection was stopped just before the pH of the solution reached 10.5 for sodium citrate and 8.3 for water, resulting in the storage of 136 kg CO2/(ton PSA) and 29 kg CO2/(ton PSA), respectively. Solids obtained through carbonation were pure calcium carbonate.
Quantification of the impact of the offshore petrochemical industrial park on ambient ozone using photochemical grid modeling and assessment monitoring
This study integrated the results of photochemical grid modeling and assessment monitoring to quantify the impact of the offshore petrochemical industrial park (OPIP), with area of 26.03 km2, on ambient ozone in a coastal region of Taiwan. A highly repetitive ozone-spreading phenomenon in the adjacent OPIP area was observed, which shows that ozone spreading follows a clear cycle between offshore and inland areas during the prevailing periods of ozone events (≥ 120 ppb). The incremental ratio of ambient ozone for the OPIP on ozone event days during the southwest and northeast monsoons in 2011–2016 ranged from 1.05 to 1.25 (average = 1.15) and 1.04–1.27 (average = 1.17), respectively. Data from ten photochemical assessment monitoring stations surrounding the OPIP in 2016 showed that the ratio of monthly average concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during the northeast monsoon to the southwest monsoon was approximately 1.5. The ratio of the monthly latent incremental amount of ozone to the total volatile organic amount in the same month during the northeast and southwest monsoons was in the ranges of approximately 0.84–0.97 and 1.01–1.12, respectively. Moreover, the latent incremental amount of ozone during the daytime was greater than that at night. The results indicate that the observed ozone concentration increases as the latent incremental amount of ozone or ambient VOCs decreases.
Borohydride method modification in synthesizing nano zero valent iron and its application in DDT removal
Among the methods used in the literature for the synthesizing of nano zero valent iron (nZVI), borohydride is the most commonly used method; it is seen that different variables are used together. In this study, optimum nano zero valent iron (nZVI) synthesizing method using borohydride method has been modified by using multiple optimization method in terms of both particle size and zeta potential. Selected independent variables are selected as iron sulfate concentration, ethanol ratio, and flow rate of borohydride solution. With the optimum synthesis method determined, the lowest particle size was obtained as 70 nm only when the particle size was taken into consideration, whereas 88.2 nm nZVI could be produced when both the particle size and the zeta potential were taken into consideration. In addition, the removal of DDT, which is the most commonly used persistent organic pollutant pesticides in the world, was investigated by nZVI synthesized. Different initial DDT concentration was investigated by expressing oxidation reduction potential (ORP) difference, removal rates, and oxidation byproducts. When DDD and DDE concentrations are considered, it is found that DDT is more likely to oxidize in DDD in all studied initial DDT concentrations. Removal rate was higher than 80% with initial concentrations lower than 125 μg/L, which is a high concentration that could be found in surface waters.
Effects of sunlight, microbial activity, and temperature on the declines of antibiotic lincomycin in freshwater and saline aquaculture pond waters and sediments
The residues of lincomycin (LIN), an antibiotic administered to aquatic animals, are often detected in aquatic environments. This study investigated effects of three environmental factors, sunlight, microbial activity, and temperature, on declines of spiked LIN in waters and sediment slurry samples collected from freshwater tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) and marine shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture ponds. The results showed that sunlight, temperature, and microbial activity all accelerated LIN transformation in the water and slurry samples. In matrixes of all water and slurry samples, LIN transformation was significantly faster under light conditions [half-life (t1/2) = 24–53 days] than under dark conditions (t1/2 = 154–2897 days). Microbial activity also accelerated LIN transformation; the t1/2 of LIN was shorter after nonsterile treatment (t1/2 = 12–809 days) than after sterile treatment (t1/2 = 154–2897 days). Moreover, LIN transformation was faster at 28 °C (t1/2 = 18–38 days) than at 20 and 12 °C (t1/2 = 34 and 462 days, respectively) in both slurry samples. The results revealed that LIN transformation in aquaculture pond water and sediment was either slow or stagnant. Sunlight, microbial activity, and temperature can accelerate LIN transformation to reduce LIN residue levels.
Salt-Inducible Kinases: Physiology, Regulation by cAMP, and Therapeutic Potential
Publication date: Available online 24 August 2018
Source: Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism
Author(s): Marc N. Wein, Marc Foretz, David E. Fisher, Ramnik J. Xavier, Henry M. Kronenberg
Salt-inducible kinases (SIKs) represent a subfamily of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) family kinases. Initially named because SIK1 (the founding member of this kinase family) expression is regulated by dietary salt intake in the adrenal gland, it is now apparent that a major biological role of these kinases is to control gene expression in response to extracellular cues that increase intracellular levels of cAMP. Here, we review four physiologically relevant examples of how cAMP signaling impinges upon SIK cellular function. By focusing on examples of cAMP-mediated SIK regulation in gut myeloid cells, bone, liver, and skin, we highlight recent advances in G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signal transduction. New knowledge regarding the role of SIKs in GPCR signaling has led to therapeutic applications of novel small molecule SIK inhibitors.
A 1470-nm laser combined with foam sclerotherapy in day surgery: a better choice for lower limb varicose veins
Day surgery is being more and more adopted by clinicians. Higher wavelength lasers give patients better experience than lower wavelength lasers, which makes it more suitable for day surgery. This study compares the short- and mid-term efficacy, postoperative morbidity, and patient satisfaction of "1470-nm endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) combining foam sclerotherapy in day surgery" with "810-nm EVLA with high ligation combining foam sclerotherapy in hospital surgery" on great saphenous vein (GSV) insufficiency postoperatively. A single-institution historical cohort study of 194 patients was performed in Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, China. Ninety-seven patients received 1470-nm EVLA combining foam sclerotherapy in day surgery ("1470-nm group"), and 97 patients received 810-nm EVLA with high ligation combining foam sclerotherapy in hospital surgery recommended by guidelines ("810-nm group"). No significant difference was found between the 1470-nm group and the 810-nm group in terms of GSV occlusion rate (both 100%), complication rate, and recurrence rate (8.2 vs. 11.3%) during the period of 1–12 months after surgery. Serious complications in the 1470-nm group and 810-nm group were 0 and 1.0%. Minor complications in the 1470-nm group and 810-nm group were ecchymosis at 20.6 and 18.6%, edema at 69.1 and 63.9%, and paresthesia around ankle at 0 and 3.1%, respectively. Advantage of the 1470-nm group over the 810-nm group was statistically significant considering the patient perioperative comfort and economic cost. Treatment of 1470-nm EVLA combining foam sclerotherapy in day surgery has similar efficacy as the 810-nm EVLA with high ligation combining foam sclerotherapy in hospital surgery in GSV insufficiency and is more comfortable with less incision, hospitalization procedure, and medical costs. It may be a new option for patients who are afraid or unable to be hospitalized.
Time-dependent antimicrobial effect of photodynamic therapy with TONS 504 on Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) is a major cause of infectious keratitis, which itself is a major cause of blindness worldwide. We have now evaluated the time-dependent effectiveness of photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) with the chlorin derivative TONS 504 and a light-emitting diode (LED) on P. aeruginosa in vitro. PACT with TONS 504 (10 mg/L) and irradiation (30 J/m2) by an LED device that delivers light centered on a wavelength of 660 nm was applied to 1 × 106 colony-forming units of P. aeruginosa in liquid medium. The bacteria were then cultured at 37 °C for various times before assay of viability by determination of colony formation on agar plates. The effect of a second irradiation at 3 h after the initial LED exposure was also examined. Bacterial growth was markedly inhibited between 3 and 9 h after PACT with TONS 504, with the maximal effect being apparent at 3 h. Furthermore, a second exposure to LED irradiation at 3 h after the first treatment enhanced the inhibitory effect on bacterial growth. PACT with TONS 504 thus inhibited the growth of P. aeruginosa in a time-dependent manner, and an additional irradiation exposure applied 3 h after the first LED treatment greatly increased the effectiveness of PACT. This antibacterial system thus warrants further evaluation with regard to its potential effectiveness for the treatment of infectious keratitis.
Photobiomodulation effects on mRNA levels from genomic and chromosome stabilization genes in injured muscle
Muscle injuries are the most prevalent type of injury in sports. A great number of athletes have relapsed in muscle injuries not being treated properly. Photobiomodulation therapy is an inexpensive and safe technique with many benefits in muscle injury treatment. However, little has been explored about the infrared laser effects on DNA and telomeres in muscle injuries. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate photobiomodulation effects on mRNA relative levels from genes related to telomere and genomic stabilization in injured muscle. Wistar male rats were randomly divided into six groups: control, laser 25 mW, laser 75 mW, injury, injury laser 25 mW, and injury laser 75 mW. Photobiomodulation was performed with 904 nm, 3 J/cm2 at 25 or 75 mW. Cryoinjury was induced by two applications of a metal probe cooled in liquid nitrogen directly on the tibialis anterior muscle. After euthanasia, skeletal muscle samples were withdrawn and total RNA extracted for evaluation of mRNA levels from genomic (ATM and p53) and chromosome stabilization (TRF1 and TRF2) genes by real-time quantitative polymerization chain reaction. Data show that photobiomodulation reduces the mRNA levels from ATM and p53, as well reduces mRNA levels from TRF1 and TRF2 at 25 and 75 mW in injured skeletal muscle. In conclusion, photobiomodulation alters mRNA relative levels from genes related to genomic and telomere stabilization in injured skeletal muscle.
Fractional CO 2 laser contributes to the treatment of non-segmental vitiligo as an adjunct therapy: a systemic review and meta-analysis
The treatment of stable non-segmental vitiligo is often challenging, which new therapies are being searched. Multiple clinical trials have proposed the benefits and safety of using fractional carbon dioxide (CO2) laser as an adjunct therapy to conventional treatments. This study aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of fractional carbon dioxide laser as a combination therapy to conventional treatments in patients with stable non-segmental vitiligo. A literature search using PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library was performed for comparative studies among vitiligo patients treated with additional fractional CO2 laser. Clinical outcomes in the selected studies were compared, and a meta-analysis was performed via Review Manager version 5.3, according to the PRISMA guidelines. Six studies with a total of 184 patches/patients were included in the present meta-analysis. The combination therapy group had significantly superior results than that of the control group (≥ 75% re-pigmentation, risk ratio [RR] 2.80, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.29–6.07; ≥ 50% re-pigmentation, RR 2.26, 95% CI 1.23–5.9; < 25% re-pigmentation, RR 0.57, 95% CI 0.43–0.75). Limitations of the study included the small number of studies and sample size, inadequate blinding of participants, and variation between therapy protocols. Meta-analysis revealed that using fractional CO2 laser in combination with conventional treatments is efficient and safe, and may be considered as an adjunct therapeutic option for patients with refractive non-segmental vitiligo.
Effects of different treatments on chemical and morphological features of eroded dentin
To evaluate the treatment of eroded dentin (Sensodyne Repair & Protect™, Er:YAG laser and combinations). The occlusal surfaces of 25 third molars were sectioned 1.5 mm in thickness. After an erosion cycle (5 min in demineralizing solution + 3 h in remineralizing solution; six cycles a day for 8 days), the samples were divided into five groups (n = 5): (E) erosion − control; (ES) erosion + Sensodyne Repair & Protect (NovaMin); (EL) erosion + Er:YAG laser (40 mJ, 10 Hz, 0.4 W, 50 μs, 3.1 J/cm2, 63 W/cm2); (ELS) erosion + Er:YAG laser + Sensodyne; and (ESL) erosion + Sensodyne + Er:YAG laser. Following storage in ultrapure water (37 °C/14 days), the Ca/P ratio was evaluated by EDXRF and the morphology surfaces examined in SEM. The percentage of exposed dentin tubules was calculated. One-way analysis of variance and Tukey's test at 5% were used to treat the data. The Ca/P ratio was higher in E and ES groups. More exposed dentin tubules were found in E group and less exposed tubules were found in the ES group (p < 0.0001). When the toothpaste and laser were combined, the number of occluded dentin tubules was higher when laser was performed first (ELS). A positive effect was found when the laser and toothpaste were combined.
Photodynamic inactivation in the expression of the Candida albicans genes ALS3, HWP1, BCR1, TEC1, CPH1, and EFG1 in biofilms
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of photodynamic inactivation (PDI) on Candida albicans biofilms, evaluating its effects on gene expression of ALS3, HWP1, BCR1, TEC1, CPH1, and EFG1 by yeast. Three samples of C. albicans were used in this study: a clinical sample from a patient with HIV (39S), a clinical sample from a patient with denture stomatitis lesion (Ca30), and a standard strain ATCC 18804. The quantification of gene expression was related to the production of those genes in the samples referred above using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay in real time. The photosensitizer methylene blue at 300 uM and erythrosine at 400 uM, sensitized with low-power laser (visible red, 660 nm) and green LED (532 nm), respectively, were used for PDI. Four groups of each sample and PDI protocol were evaluated: (a) P+L+: sensitization with the photosensitizer and irradiation with light, (b) P+L−: only treatment with the photosensitizer, (c) P−L+: only irradiation with light, and (d) P−L−: without sensitization with the dye and absence of light. The results were analyzed by t test, with a significance level of 5%. The photodynamic inactivation was able to reduce the expression of all genes for both treatments, laser and LED. The fold-decrease for the genes ALS3, HWP1, BCR1, TEC1, CPH1, and EFG1 were 0.73, 0.39, 0.77, 0.71, 0.67, and 0.60 for laser, respectively, and 0.66, 0.61, .050, 0.43, 0.54, and 0.66 for LED, respectively. It could be concluded that PDI showed a reduction in the expression of C. albicans genes, suggesting its virulence decrease.
Thulium (Tm:YAG) laser vaporesection of prostate and bipolar transurethral resection of prostate in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Thulium laser vaporesection (ThuVARP) and bipolar transurethral resection of the prostate (B-TURP) are novel surgeries for benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). This paper is a systematic review and analysis of literatures comparing efficacy indicators, operative parameters, as well as safety indicators between ThuVARP and B-TURP for the treatment of BPH. A systematic search of electronic databases, including PubMed, the Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Embase, and China National Knowledge Internet (CNKI), was carried out up to December 1, 2015 (updated on March 1, 2016). The captivating outcomes included basic clinical characteristics, perioperative parameters, local complications, and efficacy indicators which included International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), quality of life (QoL), maximum flow rate (Qmax), and postvoid residual (PVR). After assessing the quality of methodology and extracting data, a meta-analysis was carried out by using STATA 12.0 software. Five studies involving 500 patients met the standard. The outcomes of this analysis were as follows: (a) efficacy indicators: there were no significant differences in IPSS, QoL, PVR, and Qmax between the two groups (all P > 0.05); (b) perioperative indicators: ThuVARP had longer operative time [standardized mean difference (SMD) = 0.843; 95% confidence interval (CI) − 0.391, 1.296; P < 0.001] but less serum hemoglobin decreased (SMD = − 0.561; 95% CI − 0.796, − 0.327; P < 0.001), shorter hospital stay (SMD = − 1.558; 95% CI − 2.709, − 0.407; P < 0.01), and catheterization time (SMD = − 1.274; 95% CI − 2.158, − 0.390; P < 0.01). Additionally, no significant difference was found in estimated resected weight (P > 0.05); (c) safety indicators: no significant difference was found in local complication rates (all P > 0.05) between ThuVARP and B-TURP. In our analysis, there exists no statistical difference between ThuVARP and B-TURP group in efficacy. However, in spite of requiring longer surgical time, ThuVARP was better in terms of less blood loss as well as shorter hospitalization and catheterization time.
Scholar : Applied Neuropsychology: Child, Volume 7, Issue 3, July-September 2018 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online
The vitamin D3 analog, maxacalcitol, reduces psoriasiform skin inflammation by inducing regulatory T cells and downregulating IL-23 and IL-17 production
Publication date: Available online 24 August 2018
Source: Journal of Dermatological Science
Author(s): Carren S. Hau, Teruo Shimizu, Yayoi Tada, Masahiro Kamata, Shintaro Takeoka, Sayaka Shibata, Aya Mitsui, Yoshihide Asano, Makoto Sugaya, Takafumi Kadono, Shinichi Sato, Shinichi Watanabe
Psoriasis is a Th1/Th17-mediated inflammatory dermatosis treated with topical corticosteroids and vitamin D3 analogs (VD3 As).
To compare the effects of a VD3 A maxacalcitol and betamethasone valerate (BV) steroid lotion on topical imiquimod (IMQ)-induced psoriasiform skin inflammation.
Female BALB/c mice were treated with vehicle, maxacalcitol or BV lotion on the skin for 3 days, and IMQ cream for 6 days. q-PCR, H&E, immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence studies were performed on skin samples. Additionally, mice were treated with vehicle, maxacalcitol or BV lotion for 3 days and CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) and CD4+CD25- cells from each group were isolated from lymph nodes. Adoptive transfer of the cells was performed on recipient mice which were treated with IMQ cream for 6 days, and skin samples were obtained for q-PCR and H&E staining.
Maxacalcitol and BV were comparable in regards clinical improvement, although maxacalcitol reduced the MHC Class II+ inflammatory cell infiltration more than BV in IMQ skin. While both treatments downregulated IL-17 A, IL-17 F, IL-22, IL-12p40, TNF-α and IL-6 mRNA expression levels, only maxacalcitol downregulated IL-23p19 expression. Significantly increased Foxp3+ cell infiltrations and IL-10 expression were noted in maxacalcitol-treated IMQ skin. Adoptive transfer of Treg cells from maxacalcitol-treated donor mice improved IMQ-induced inflammation clinically and histopathologically more than the recipients of Treg cells from BV-treated donor groups, showing reduced levels of inflammatory cytokines and increased IL-10 expression.
These results indicate that maxacalcitol reduces psoriasiform skin inflammation by inducing Treg cells as well as downregulating IL-23 and IL-17 production.
Subcutaneous infection with dematiaceous fungi in Card9 knockout mice reveals association of impair neutrophils and Th cell response
Publication date: Available online 24 August 2018
Source: Journal of Dermatological Science
Author(s): Wu Weiwei, Zhang Ruijun, Wang Xiaowen, Song Yinggai, Li Ruoyu
Brief report: Pre- and post-deployment prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus colonization among U.S. Navy submariners.
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Brief report: Pre- and post-deployment prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus colonization among U.S. Navy submariners.
MSMR. 2018 Aug;25(8):5-7
Authors: Millar EV, St Clair KJ, Schlett CD, Bennett JW, Virgilio GR, Kronmann KC, Lalani T
PMID: 30141956 [PubMed - in process]
Co-occurrence of Anaerobes in Human Chronic Wounds.
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Co-occurrence of Anaerobes in Human Chronic Wounds.
Microb Ecol. 2018 Aug 23;:
Authors: Choi Y, Banerjee A, McNish S, Couch KS, Torralba MG, Lucas S, Tovchigrechko A, Madupu R, Yooseph S, Nelson KE, Shanmugam VK, Chan AP
Chronic wounds are wounds that have failed to heal after 3 months of appropriate wound care. Previous reports have identified a diverse collection of bacteria in chronic wounds, and it has been postulated that bacterial profile may contribute to delayed healing. The purpose of this study was to perform a microbiome assessment of the Wound Healing and Etiology (WE-HEAL) Study cohort, including underlying comorbidities less commonly studied in the context of chronic wounds, such as autoimmune diseases, and investigate possible relationships of the wound microbiota with clinical healing trends. We examined chronic wound specimens from 60 patients collected through the WE-HEAL Study using 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing. A group of co-occurring obligate anaerobes was identified from taxonomic analysis guided by Dirichlet multinomial mixtures (DMM) modeling. The group includes members of the Gram-positive anaerobic cocci (GPAC) of the Clostridia class (i.e., Anaerococcus, Finegoldia, and Peptoniphilus) and additional strict anaerobes (i.e., Porphyromonas and Prevotella). We showed that the co-occurring group of obligate anaerobes not only co-exists with commonly identified wound species (such as Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas, Corynebacterium, and Streptococcus), but importantly, they could also predominate the wound microbiota. Furthermore, examination of clinical comorbidities of the WE-HEAL specimens showed that specific obligate and facultative anaerobes were significantly reduced in wounds presented with autoimmune disease. With respect to future healing trends, no association with the wound microbiome community or the abundance of individual wound species could be established. In conclusion, we identified a co-occurring obligate anaerobic community type that predominated some human chronic wounds and underrepresentation of anaerobes in wounds associated with autoimmune diseases. Possible elucidation of host environments or key factors that influence anaerobe colonization warrants further investigation in a larger cohort.
PMID: 30141127 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Long-term changes in nitrogen and phosphorus emission into the Vistula and Oder catchments (Poland)—modeling (MONERIS) studies
Modeling (MONERIS) studies allowed calculation of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) emission into the Vistula and Oder basins (Poland), and facilitated estimation of N and P retention in these catchments in 1995–2015. In the discussion of results, data of other authors were used in order to get an insight into N (1880–2015) and P emission (1955–2015) into the Oder basin. Population growth and agricultural intensification were responsible for respective 5.3-fold and 3.5-fold increase in N and P emission into the Oder basin, with the maximum (135,000 tons N year−1; 14,000 tons P year−1) observed at the turn of the 1980s/1990s. Pro-ecological activities during the economic transition period (since 1989) covered various sectors of the economy including agriculture, environmental protection related to, e.g., construction of a large number of waste water treatment plants (WWTPs). Consequently, in 1985–2015, the emission into the Oder basin decreased from the abovementioned maxima to 94,000 tons N year−1 and to 5000 tons P year−1, whereas in 1995–2015, the emission into the Vistula basin decreased from 170,000 to 140,000 tons N year−1 and from 14,200 to 10,600 tons P year−1. In 1995–2015, groundwater, tile drainage, and WWTPs played a key role in N emission, while erosion, overland flow, WWTPs, and urban areas played a predominant role in P emission. The relative shares of nutrient emission pathways in overall N and P emission were considerably changing over time. Extreme weather conditions have a great impact on increased (floods) or decreased (droughts) nutrient emission; particularly, N emission is susceptible to variable weather conditions. In total, approximately 91,000 tons of N and 7600 tons of P were retained annually in the river basins.
Investigation of the rheological behavior of activated sludge in response to CeO 2 nanoparticles and potential mechanism
With the rapid development of CeO2 nanoparticles (NPs), the released CeO2 NPs entering into wastewater treatment plants might bring the challenges for sludge pumping and mixing. In this study, we firstly elucidated the rheological behavior of 4.0 wt% sludge at various concentrations of CeO2 NPs. With the increase of CeO2 NPs to 5 mg/L, the shear stress at any given shear rate was reduced and the limiting viscosity was also decreased, indicating the sludge became more flowability. The dynamic sweep tests further demonstrated the decreased elastic behavior and weakened internal structure in response to low concentrations of CeO2 NPs (≤ 5 mg/L). However, 20 mg/L CeO2 NPs had negative effects on the rheological evolution of sludge, namely, better solid-like property and higher elastic structure. These results were mainly attributed to the combination of the decreased β-d-glucopyranose polysaccharides which support the rigid structure of sludge and the dramatically increased protein content (especially in 20 mg/L CeO2 NPs). These results can potentially provide novel information for the efficient design of sludge treatment when coped with CeO2 NPs.
Graphical abstract

Divergence in larval diapause induction between the rice and water-oat populations of the striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)
Differences in diapause traits can result in the seasonal reproductive isolation of host plant-associated insect populations and thereby facilitate the population divergence. The striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis, has two host plant-associated populations: rice population and water-oat population. Several studies have found evidence that seasonal reproductive isolation between these populations is at least partially due to interpopulation differences in diapause. However, there still lack unambiguous evidence comparing characteristics of diapause induction for both populations. We compared the photoperiodic response and the age of peak photoperiod sensitivity of these populations and used RNA-Seq to compare the molecular response of diapause induction between populations. The photoperiodic response of the two populations differed at 25 °C; the critical night length of larvae from the rice population was 11 h and 20 min, whereas no obvious critical night length was in those from the water-oat population. In rice population, larvae were most sensitive to photoperiod at 9–12 days of age, whereas in water-oat population, larvae were the most sensitive to photoperiod at 9–10 days of age. The RNA-Seq results indicated that there were several differences in the molecular response of diapause induction and small overlap in differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between populations. Furthermore, GO analysis indicated that both rice and water-oat population's DEGs were significantly enriched in heme and iron binding. Besides, water-oat population's DEGs were significantly enriched in metabolizing nutrients but rice population's DEGs do not. Thus, our results described differences in diapause induction between rice and water-oat populations of C. suppressalis which could affect the timing of diapause and thereby contribute to the seasonal reproductive isolation of these host plant-associated populations. In conclusion, this work suggests that difference in diapause induction could promote the population divergence in insects associated with different host plants.
Temporal trends of contaminants in Arctic human populations
The first Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) report was published in 1998 and followed by three assessment reports of human health (AMAP 2003, 2009 and 2015). The focus area of the AMAP reports was to monitor levels of environmental contaminants in the Arctic and to assess the health effects connected with detected levels in Arctic countries. This review gives an overview of temporal trends of contaminants and their health effects in humans of the Arctic based on data published by AMAP, as well as Russian scientific literature. Several time series of 31 contaminants in humans of the Arctic from different cohorts are reported. The lengths of time series and periods covered differ from each other. International restrictions have decreased the levels of most persistent organic pollutants in humans and food webs. Percentage changes for contaminants in human biological matrices (blood samples from children, mothers and males and breast milk samples) for the period of sampling showed declining trends in most of the monitored Arctic locations, with the exception of oxychlordane, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), 2,2′,4,4′,5,5′-hexabromodiphenyl ether (PBDE153) and perfluorinated compounds (PFCs).
Diversity in flower colorations of Ranunculus asiaticus L. revealed by anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway in view of gene composition, gene expression patterns, and color phenotype
Anthocyanin biosynthesis is one of the best studied secondary metabolisms. However, related pathways were generally concluded based on anthocyanin components; most studies focused on the backbone forming of anthocyanidins (cyanidin, delphinidin, and pelargonidin) of model or commercial plants, while anthocyanin modification was less discussed, and non-model plants with abundant colorations were less researched either. Ranunculus asiaticus L. has great diversity in flower colorations, not only indicating its value in researching anthocyanin biosynthesis but also implying it is unique in this regard. Based on transcriptome sequencing and gene annotation of three varieties (10 samples) of Ranunculus asiaticus L., 176 unigenes from 151,136 unigenes were identified as involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis, among which, 74 unigenes were related to anthocyanin modification; 61 unigenes were responsible for glycosylation at C3 and C5 with 3-monosaccharides of glucose, 3-biosides of rutinose, sophorose, or sambubiose to form 3Gly-, 3Gly5Gly-, 3Gly3′Gly-, 3Gly2′′Gly-, 3Gly2′′Xly-, 3Gly2′′Rly-glycosylated anthocyanins, etc.; 2 unigenes transferred –CH3; 11 unigenes of BAHD family catalyzd the aromatic or malonyl acylation at 6′′ / 6′′′′position of 3/5-O-glucoside. Based on gene composition, a putative pathway was established. The pathway was validated by flower colorations, and gene expression patterns where F3H, F3′H, 3GT, 5GT, and FMT2 were highly expressed in varieties colored as lateritious and carmine, while variety with purple flowers had high expression of F3′5′H and 3MAT. In view of anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway of Ranunculus asiaticus L., great diversity in its flower colorations was illustrated via the complete branches (F3H, F3′H and F3′5′H) as well as complete modifications (glycosylation, methylation, and acylation), and besides, via the higher percentage of C3 glycosylation than C5 glycosylation.
“Spontaneous” medication‐related osteonecrosis of the jaw; two case reports and a systematic review
Australian Dental Journal, Volume 0, Issue ja, -Not available-.
Scholar : ΜΑΣΤΟΕΙΔΙΤΙΣ - νέα αποτελέσμ
A case of Lemierre's syndrome complicated by clival osteomyelitis and bilateral cranial nerve XII palsy
resonance imaging (MRI) was completed which demonstrated left-sided mastoiditis. At
this point in the patient's care infectious disease consultation was obtained by phone …
[PDF] Ossiculoplasty with autologous incus and autologous cortical bone: A retrospective analysis
the middle ear and mastoid cavity leads to exposure of the facial nerve, jugular bulb,
lateral sinus, membranous labyrinth and the temporal lobe dura …
Guz szyi czy powikłanie usznopochodne
mastoiditis latens, Bezold's neck abscess and brain abscess of temporal
lobe … Key words: neck tumor, otogenic complication, mastoiditis latens …
[PDF] Rare case of Sternoclavicular joint tuberculosis with non contiguous multifocal spine involvement.
with mild cerebellar atrophic changes. Nerve conduction study/
electromyography was performed on bilateral median, ulnar, peroneal …
parafaringealni i retrofaringealni apsces 2. limfadenitis, sinuitis, otitis media, mastoiditis
3. meningitis 4. sindrom Lemierre 5. erizipel, celulitis Page 7. 7 …
of therapeutic agents across an barrier. The compositions include a
therapeutic agent (eg, antimicrobial agent, antibiotic, or an.
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Factors promoting vulnerability to dysregulated stress reactivity and stress‐related disease
Journal of Neuroendocrinology, Volume 0, Issue ja, -Not available-.
Scholar : CPAP - νέα αποτελέσματα
CPAP Treatment and Depression in Adults with Coronary Artery Disease and Nonsleepy Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Secondary Analysis of the RICCADSA Trial
adults with coronary artery disease (CAD). Objective: To determine the impact of
positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment on depression in adults with coronary …
Treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea as primary or secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: where do we stand now?
observational studies suggest that continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), the main
treatment for OSA, is able to prevent hypertension incidence and to decrease nonfatal …
[PDF] An inpatient program for diagnosing and treating sleep apnea in patients with stroke
Testing and treating SA in stroke patients is challenging due to inaccess...
MicroRNA‐150‐5p affects cell proliferation, apoptosis, and EMT by regulation of the BRAFV600E mutation in papillary thyroid cancer cells
TPC‐1 cells … 3.2 MiR‐150‐5p promoted cell proliferation and inhibited
apoptosis in B‐CPAP and TPC‐1 cells. Then, the effect of miR‐150‐5p …
Emergency Surgery and Trauma in the
Known cardiac dysfunction … Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) has been
shown to be of benefit in increasing the time to desaturation …
Disordered Breathing: Assessment and Management in Obesity
not required for sedation.** Initial CPAP therapy ODI< 5/h ODI5–15/h ODI15–30/h
ODI> 30/h+ hypoventilation trial,*** ifuncontrolledtoconsiderNIV …
Airway Assessment in Obesity
are needed to predict DA. These include severity, treatment with positive
pressure therapy (CPAP or BiPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure)) …
[HTML] The effect of inhaled salbutamol on the outcomes of transient tachypnea of the newborn
treatment and placebo groups in the treatment duration, hospitalization duration, need
for continuous positive airway pressure therapy (CPAP), and time of oral feeding initiation …
Risk Assessment and Stratification for
at highest risk of peri-operative respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity,
while patients fully compliant with CPAP (usually indicated by symptomatic …
Consensus on Postoperative Recommendations After Transsphenoidal Surgery
blowing the nose after 3, flying on an airplane and driving a car after one,
lifting heavy weights after 4, playing wind instruments after 6, use of CPAP …
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Summary Insulinomas are rare neuroendocrine tumours that classically present with fasting hypoglycaemia. This case report discusses an un...
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