Rejuvenation Research, Ahead of Print.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
Τρίτη 9 Οκτωβρίου 2018
Phytohormone Abscisic Acid Protects Human Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y Cells Against 6-Hydroxydopamine-Induced Neurotoxicity Through Its Antioxidant and Antiapoptotic Properties
Transient dispersion of an initial point pollutant concentration in wetland flows
Initial point pollutant transport in wetland flows acts as a typical form in various applications. Accurate determination of the basic characteristics for dispersion fundamentally supports the predication of pollutant transport especially in the transient stage. This work analytically studies the transient dispersion of an initial point pollutant concentration in wetland flows through the phase average technique and the method of concentration moments. The characteristics including the vertical mass distribution, longitudinal displacement, dispersivity, skewness, and kurtosis corresponding to the zeroth- to fourth-order concentration moments are accurately illustrated in their full-time dependance for the first time. Present results show to be distinctive from those of initial uniform concentration in the transient dispersion process. The temporal evolutions of the five characteristics are all dependent of the initial point release position. The results further demonstrate that the timescale 3.0 as measured by the skewness, rather than 0.5 as measured by the dispersivity, should be characterized as the transient period for the dispersion of initial point concentration in comparison with that of initial uniform. Furthermore, the longitudinally distributed mean concentration is as well analyzed through the Hermite polynomials. The results imply that strict criteria for environmental and ecological implications should be established by further accounting for the five characteristics.
Simulated reactive zone with emulsified vegetable oil for the long-term remediation of Cr(VI)-contaminated aquifer: dynamic evolution of geological parameters and groundwater microbial community
Cr(VI), which is highly toxic and soluble, is one of the most challenging groundwater contaminants. Previous work has indicated that emulsified vegetable oil (EVO) is an effective in situ amendment for removing Cr(VI) from groundwater. However, the spatial and temporal changes in geological parameters and microbial community structures throughout the remediation period are poorly understood. In this study, a large laboratory-scale sand-packed chamber (reactive zone of 100 × 50 × 30 cm) was used to simulate the bioremediation of Cr(VI)-contaminated aquifer by EVO over a 512-day period. Various geological parameters and microbial communities were monitored during both the establishment and remediation stages. The results indicate that several biogeochemical reactions occurred in a specific sequence following the injection of EVO, creating an acidic and reducing environment. A shift in the community structure and a decrease in the community diversity were observed. The abundance of microbes involved in the degradation of EVO and reduction of electron acceptors significantly increased. Then, the EVO reactive zone was flushed with Cr(VI)-contaminated groundwater. Biogeochemical reactions were inhibited after the inflow of Cr(VI) and subsequently recovered a month later. The pH of the aquifer returned to the initial neutral condition (approximately 7.2). The EVO reactive zone could remediate Cr(VI)-contaminated groundwater at an efficiency exceeding 97% over 480 days. Biogeochemistry played a major role in the early period (0~75 days). In the later period (240~480 days), the remediation of Cr(VI) in the reactive zone depended mostly on bio-reduction by Cr(VI)-reducing bacteria.
Stage-specific testicular protein levels of the oestrogen receptors (ERα and ERβ) and Cyp19 and association with oestrogenic contamination in the lambari Astyanax rivularis (Pisces: Characidae)
Oestrogens participate in various biological processes such as oogenesis, vitellogenesis and testicular development, but studies regarding the distribution and protein levels of oestrogen receptors (ERα and ERβ) and aromatase (Cyp19) in testis are rarely investigated in fish species. The aim of the present study was to analyse the expression pattern of ERα, ERβ and Cyp19 in testis of Astyanax rivularis and, in addition, to verify if oestrogenic contamination interferes in the expression levels of these proteins. Quarterly, field samplings were carried out during a reproductive cycle in a stream of the Upper Velhas River with a good conservation status (site S1). In the gonadal maturation peak (June), when ripe stage was most abundant, fish collection was made in three streams: S1, reference site, and S2 and S3, sites contaminated by untreated sewage. The results of immunohistochemistry demonstrated labelling of Cyp19 in Leydig cells and acidophilic granulocytes, but spermatogonia, Sertoli cells, spermatids and spermatozoa were also labelled. ERα was more widely distributed than ERβ being found in all developmental germ cell phases. On the other hand, ERβ was found only in spermatogonia and spermatocytes. During testicular maturation, ELISA levels for Cyp19, ERα and ERβ followed the gonadosomatic index (GSI) with significant higher values in the ripe stage. Regarding to endocrine disruption, the males exposed to domestic sewage presented significant higher expression of Cyp19 and ERα when compared to the non-exposed fish. Together, our results demonstrate expression patterns of Cyp19, ERα and ERβ in the testis of A. rivularis. In addition, we indicate ERα and Cyp19 as sensitive biomarkers for monitoring of oestrogenic contamination in freshwater environments.
Intralesional pentoxifylline injection in localized alopecia areata
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, EarlyView.
The steadily growing problem of lentigo maligna and lentigo maligna melanoma in Australia: Population‐based data on diagnosis and management
Australasian Journal of Dermatology, EarlyView.
Anaesthesia care team improves outcomes in surgical patients compared with solo anaesthesiologist: An observational study
Effect of sucralfate against hydrochloric acid-induced dental erosion
Devising effective measures for the prevention of hydrochloric acid (HCl)-induced erosion is of great significance. This is even more important in dentine, in which products have limited diffusion. Therefore, agents that can bind to proteins forming an acid-resistant gel-like coat, such as sucralfate, may stand out as a promising alternative. This study investigated the protective effect of sucralfate suspensions against HCl-induced dental erosion.
Materials and methods
In the first experiment, hydroxyapatite (HAp) crystals were pre-treated with a commercial sucralfate suspension (CoSS, pH 5.9), a stannous-containing sodium fluoride solution (NaF/SnCl2 pH 4.5), two prepared sucralfate suspensions (PrSS, pH 5.9 and 4.5), or deionized water (DI, control). HAp dissolution was measured using a pH-stat system. In a subsequent experiment, embedded/polished enamel and root dentine slabs were allocated into five groups to be treated with one of the tested substances prior to and during erosion-remineralization cycles (HCl-2 min + artificial saliva 60 min, two times per day, 5 days). Surface loss was assessed profilometrically. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's tests.
HAp dissolution was as follows: NaF/SnCl2 < CoSS < PrSS/pH 4.5, while PrSS/pH 5.9 = DI and both did not differ from CoSS and PrSS/pH 4.5. In enamel, surface loss did not differ between CoSS and PrSS/pH 4.5, with both having lower surface loss than PrSS/pH 5.9 and DI and NaF/SnCl2 differing only from DI. In root dentine, surface loss was as follows: CoSS < PrSS/pH 5.9 < (NaF/SnCl2 = DI), while PrSS/pH 4.5 = CoSS = PrSS/pH 5.9.
Sucralfate suspension provided anti-erosive protection to HCl-induced erosion.
Clinical relevance
Sucralfate may protect teeth against erosion caused by gastric acid.
Bone repair in craniofacial defects treated with different doses of alendronate: a histological, histomorphometric, and immunohistochemical study
The objective of the study is to evaluate bone repair in rats treated with different alendronate doses.
Matherials and methods
Sixty female rats ovariectomized were randomly divided in three groups: group C (control group), group A1 (ALN/1 mg/kg), and A2 (ALN/ 3 mg/kg). Each animal received subcutaneous applications of sodium alendronate at a dose correspondent to group A1 or A2 three times a week, while the control group received 0.9% saline solution. After 4 weeks of application, a critical defect was created in the calvaria of animals of all groups. The defect was filled by particulate autogenous bone. The applications were maintained until euthanasia, which occurred 15 and 60 days after the surgical procedure. The pieces were sent for histological, histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analysis. The data were submitted to statistical analysis with significance level of 0.05.
The descriptive histological analysis demonstrated an increase in bone neoformation in both groups treated with alendronate when compared to the control group. The histomorphometric analysis showed an increase in the amount of neoformed bone in A1 and A2 groups when compared to group C, both at 15 days (p = 0.0002) and at 60 days (p = 0.001). In the immunohistochemical analysis, it was possible to observe a difference in immunolabeling just for Mmp2 at the time of 60 days in A1 (p = 0.001) and A2 (p = 0.023) when compared to the control group.
Systemic delivery of alendronate, regardless of the dose, increased the amount of bone neoformation.
Clinical relevance
Prescription of sodium alendronate at 1 mg/kg for improvement of bone neoformation in bone graft procedures.
Dissipation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil amended with sewage sludge and sludge compost
In this study, greenhouse experiments were conducted under the condition of different amendment ratios and planting tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). The amendment ratios of sewage sludge or sludge compost to soil were of 0, 10, 25, and 50% (w/w). The removal rates of PAH, catalase, and dehydrogenase activities of amended soil and accumulation of PAHs by vegetation were detected to investigate the differences of PAH dissipation in sludge-amended and compost-amended soils. The initial PAH concentrations in three amended soils increased with the more addition of sludge or compost. After 126-day experiment, maximum PAH removal rates were observed in sludge-amended and compost-amended soils with PAH concentration of about 200 μg kg−1. And the removal of PAHs showed better efficiencies in compost soil rather than in sludge soil. The more catalase activity and dehydrogenase activity of soil were obtained, respectively, in sludge soil and compost soil. The results indicated that the mechanism of PAH dissipation in two types of amended soils were different. The abundant amount of microorganism dominated PAH dissipation in sludge soils, and PAHs dissipated mainly caused of intense activity of microorganism in compost soils. In addition, PAH accumulation in tall fescue suggested that the transference approach of PAHs was from soil to the roots, and then accumulated in the shoots of tall fescue. It was prone to store up more PAHs in vegetation in the condition of high molar weight of PAHs, more biomass of vegetation, and heavy PAH concentration in soil.
The trade-environment nexus in light of governance: a global potential
The theme of paper is to explore the trade-environment relationship and the role of institutions for 117 countries from global standpoint and five regions: Sub Saharan, European, Middle East and North Africa, Asia and Pacific, and Latin America and Caribbean, using the panel data span 2002–2014. By considering the endogeneity problem, to validate the nature of trade-environment nexuses, we applied the GMM first difference model in two steps. Likewise, Dumitrescu-Hurlin panel causality analysis is employed to affirm the causal relationship among the concern variables. The empirical findings of this study validate that the overall trade is significantly good to environment for sample countries (117) of the entire World, Europe, Asia, and Pacific regions. In further assessment, we incorporate interactive terms of institutions with trade, scale effect, and scale-technique effect. The estimated results confirm that institution is the persistent instrument for resolving the environmental problems. Furthermore, we find the evidence of inverted u shape EKC in overall selected sample of the World, Sub-Saharan, Europe, Asia, and Pacific regions. In contrast, there is no confirmation of inverted u shape EKC hypothesis in Middle East and North Africa regions. Similarly, no strong evidence of inverted u-shaped EKC hypothesis is observed in Latin-America and Caribbean region.
Low-frequency electromagnetic treatment of oilfield produced water for reuse in agriculture: effect on water quality, germination, and plant growth
Competing demand for high-quality fresh water for agricultural, industrial, and municipal uses has placed tremendous stress on water resources; irrigating crops with fresh water is expensive and unsustainable. Using unconventional water sources such as oilfield produced water (PW) and treating PW with physical treatment methods such as electromagnetic treatment may overcome water-limitation challenges. A germination experiment was conducted using treated and untreated PW to examine the effect on the germination of iron and clay cowpeas (ICCs) since germination is the stage at which plants are most sensitive to external factors and stresses. The results from the study showed that ICCs germinated when irrigated with higher salinity water that was treated using the electromagnetic technology. A plant growth study was also conducted to assess the effect of electromagnetic treatment of high-salinity PW on the growing ability and crop health of ICCs. A reduction in leaf area expansion rate, the first indicator of salt stress on plants, was observed. After 14 days, plants showed early signs of salt stress such as wilting, lightening in color, and reduction in leaf area. After 28 days, plants watered with higher salinity PW (21,475–42,950 mg/L total dissolved solids) died and plants watered with lower salinity PW (< 21,475 mg/L total dissolved solids) survived but grew smaller than plants irrigated using fresh water. Results from both experiments suggested a potential total dissolved solids limit of ICCs or electromagnetic technology (or both) between 4000 and 10,000 mg/L. The results further suggested that while the electromagnetic technology did not have a strong effect on plant growth, high-salinity water might be treated for reuse in agriculture.
Dysregulation of Sqstm1, mitophagy, and apoptotic genes in chronic exposure to arsenic and high-fat diet (HFD)
Arsenic (As) is a toxic and hazardous metalloid. Unfortunately, its presence in drinking water together with wrong nutritional patterns is associated with an increase in the occurrence of metabolic disorders in young people. Degradation of mitochondria is presented by a specific form of autophagy called mitophagy which is an important landmark leading to apoptosis during lipotoxicity. Lipotoxicity and cellular toxicity due to arsenic intake can lead to changes in mitophagy and apoptosis. The protein derived from SQSTM1 gene, also called p62, plays an important role in energy homeostasis in the liver, and it can contribute to the regulation of autophagic responses given its effect on signaling of mTOR, MAPK, and NF-KB. Consequently, changes in Sqstm1, mitophagy (BNIP3), and apoptotic (caspase 3) genes in the livers of NMRI mice were examined with the use of real-time RT-PCR Array followed by exposure to an environmentally relevant and negligible cytotoxic concentration of arsenite (50 ppm) in drinking water while being fed with a high-fat diet (HFD) or low-fat diet (LFD) for 20 weeks (LFD-As and HFD-As groups). While LFD-As and HFD groups showed a decrease in BNIP3 expression, a significant increase was observed in the HFD-As group. P62 gene showed downregulation in LFD-As and HFD groups, and upregeneration was observed in the HFD-As group. Caspase 3 showed increased expression as the key factor associated with apoptotic liver cell death in the three groups, with the highest value in HFD-As group. Overall, the changes observed in the expression of Sqstm1, BNIP3, and caspase 3 in this study can be related to the level of liver damage caused by exposure to arsenic and HFD and probably, BNIP3 pro-apoptotic protein is associated with an increased cell death due to HFD and As.
Yes-associated protein (YAP) molecule expression in odontogenic epithelium of ameloblastoma
YAP (Yes-associated protein molecule) augments multiple processes known to be important for tumor progression and metastasis. Hence, the application of YAP as a targeted therapy for several malignancies has been documented in the literature. Ameloblastoma being a locally invasive odontogenic lesion causes tissue destruction and presents with a great chance of recurrence. Based on these qualities, we hypothesized that YAP could exhibit increased expression in the odontogenic epithelium of ameloblastoma. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of YAP in ameloblastoma and compare the immunoreactivity of YAP in ameloblastoma and dental follicle.
Materials and methods
Twenty-four paraffin-embedded tissue blocks of ameloblastoma and dental follicle each were retrieved from the departmental archives. Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining was performed employing YAP antibody on 5-μm thick sections. The expression of YAP was reviewed on the peripheral lining of ameloblast-like cells and centrally placed stellate reticulum–like cells and was further graded as negative, weak, or strong. For data analysis, Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test were applied.
In ameloblastoma, peripheral/basal cells exhibited strong expression for YAP in 12/24 cases and weak expression in the other 12 cases. Whereas, 20 cases of dental follicle presented negative expression and only four cases exhibited weak expression (p < 0.001). On statistical analysis, the differences in expression of YAP in stellate cells of ameloblastoma and dental follicle were found to be significant (p < 0.001).
YAP expression was strongly seen in ameloblastoma as compared to the epithelial islands of dental follicle. The neoplastic nature of ameloblastoma could be attributed to YAP molecule and it may play a possible role in tumor invasiveness.
Clinical relevance
Positive YAP expression in ameloblastoma and negative expression in the odontogenic epithelial islands of dental follicle insinuate that YAP could be responsible for the aggressiveness and local tissue invasion commonly encountered with ameloblastoma.
Presentation of gaps around endodontic access cavity restoration by phase contrast-enhanced micro-CT
To evaluate the feasibility of synchrotron-based phase-contrast (PC) μCT for visualization of the gaps and differentiation between the gaps, restorative, and endodontic materials at the tooth-restoration interface.
Materials and methods
Standardized access cavities were prepared in human maxillary molars and subjected to materials, simulating endodontic treatment: (1) saline irrigation; (2) NaOCl and 17% EDTA irrigation; (3) same as group 2, followed by application of Ca(OH)2; and (4) same as group 2, followed by application of root canal sealer. The access cavities were cleaned and restored using an etch-and-rinse adhesive and a composite material in multilayering technique. The samples were thermocycled (1000 cycles, 5–55 °C). Synchrotron-based μCT imaging was performed obtaining absorption and PC μCT images before and after the immersion of the samples into 50% AgNO3. PC μCT images were compared to absorption μCT and conventional optical microscopy images.
PC μCT of unstained samples enabled the best visualization of gaps and differentiation of restorative and endodontic materials, contaminating the cavity surface. PC μCT revealed that AgNO3 staining leads to an overestimation of gap size due to anterograde and retrograde AgNO3 infiltration into dentinal tubules and underestimation of large gaps due to lack of AgNO3 penetration.
Synchrotron PC μCT imaging enables better visualization of gap and differentiation of materials at the tooth-restoration interface. μCT imaging with AgNO3 staining has shown certain over- and underestimations. Future research should be aimed at incorporating PC μCT imaging of unstained samples for the validation of results obtained with other methods.
Clinical significance
Contamination of cavity walls with an endodontic sealer or Ca(OH)2 leads to increased gap formation at the tooth-restoration interface.
Comparative evaluation of autofluorescence imaging and histopathological investigation for oral potentially malignant disorders in Taiwan
Autofluorescence imaging is gaining popularity as an adjunctive test for oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD). This study evaluated the efficacy of autofluorescence imaging based on the current standard oral mucosal disorder checklist in Taiwan.
Materials and methods
In total, 126 patients suspected to have mucosal disorders at the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Tri-Service General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, were enrolled. Following a conventional oral examination by using the oral mucosal disorder checklist and an autofluorescence imaging examination, all participants underwent histopathological examination to access epithelial dysplasia.
Among 126 patients, 68 patients were diagnosis as having an OPMD and 63 having epithelial dysplasia. Autofluorescence imaging exhibited a sensitivity, specificity, positivity predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), and accuracy of 77.94%, 35.42%, 63.10%, 53.13%, and 60.34%, respectively, for OPMD and of 88.89%, 43.86%, 63.64%, 78.13%, and 67.50%, respectively, for epithelial dysplasia. After the exclusion of 48 non-OPMD cases according to the checklist, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and accuracy of autofluorescence imaging became 87.50%, 72.73%, 94.23%, 53.33%, and 85.07%, respectively, for epithelial dysplasia.
The efficacy of epithelial dysplasia identification and OPMD risk assessment can be increased after the exclusion of the non-OPMD cases through autofluorescence imaging.
Clinical relevance
Autofluorescence imaging is a useful adjunct that can assist specialists in assessing OPMD patients prone to dysplasia without compromising patient care.
Comparing the outcomes of gold-standard dental examinations with photographic screening by mid-level dental providers
To determine the detectability of the intra-oral photographic method in comparison to the baseline, comprehensive dental examination (CDE), in children when performed by different levels of dental practitioners.
Materials and methods
As part of a quality assurance program, intra-oral photographs were obtained from 77 patients (2–18 years) as part of a CDE before undertaking dental treatment under general anaesthesia. A DSLR camera was utilised to acquire images which were subsequently uploaded to a cloud-based server. The baseline for each participant was established during the CDE, utilising both visual and radiographic examination, which was then compared to the assessment made by a mid-level dental practitioners (MLDP). The evaluation was based on utilising an odontogram where the teeth were charted either as decayed or filled.
Specificity (95%) was higher than sensitivity (61.5%) when comparing the photographic assessment with the benchmark CDE assessment. The inter-rater reliability between the two methods of assessment was substantial, with a kappa score of 0.62. The photographic assessment method underestimated the decayed and filled teeth, as observed by the caries experience (dft/DFT scores) (CDE = 7.01 vs. photographic assessment = 5.22). There were lower levels of diagnostic detection in the posterior teeth as compared to the anterior teeth assessments.
Although the CDE is still considered to be the gold-standard, this study found that the photographic caries assessment by MLDP produced an acceptable diagnostic level of detection particularly for the anterior teeth.
Clinical relevance
The photographic method could offer a potential cost-saving and user-friendly screening.
Melanocyte activation and skin barrier disruption induced in melasma patients after 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser treatment
Melasma is a frequently acquired hyperpigmentary skin disorder, for which several therapies are available. Among them, 1064 nm QS Nd:YAG laser therapy is an effective method, but the recurrence rate of laser treatment is still high. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the mechanism of the high relapse rate of melasma after 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser treatment. Twenty-five female melasma patients were treated with 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser for 10 times. The lesional skin and non-lesional skin were evaluated by means of a reflectance confocal laser scanning microscope before and after laser treatment. Melanin content and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) were measured by an MPA9 skin multifunction tester accordingly. The melanin index value was significantly decreased in the lesional skin after laser treatment, while the non-lesional skin had no difference. The dendritic cells were observed at the level of the dermal-epidermal junction (DEJ) in the lesions of 8 patients before laser treatment, while after laser treatment, the dendritic cells were observed in all 25 subjects. Moreover, there was significant difference between the TEWL value of the lesions before and after laser treatment. Furthermore, the TEWL value was higher in lesions of the 8 subjects which had dendritic cells compared with other 17 subjects which had no dendritic cells, no matter before or after laser treatment. The relapse patients of melasma had higher TEWL value compared with the non-relapse patients. Melanocyte activation and skin barrier disruption may be related to the high relapse rate of melasma after laser treatment.
What to know about age spots (liver spots)
Age spots, or liver spots, are common and harmless. They do not require treatment, but people can get rid of them with creams and cosmetic procedures. Age spots can resemble certain forms of skin cancer, and anyone concerned about an age spot should speak with a doctor.
Target identification for the diagnosis and intervention of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques beyond 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography imaging: promising tracers on the horizon
Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in developed countries and atherosclerosis is the major cause of cardiovascular disease. Atherosclerotic lesions obstruct blood flow in the arterial vessel wall and can rupture leading to the formation of occlusive thrombi. Conventional diagnostic tools are still of limited value for identifying the vulnerable arterial plaque and for predicting its risk of rupture and of releasing thromboembolic material. Knowledge of the molecular and biological processes implicated in the process of atherosclerosis will advance the development of imaging probes to differentiate the vulnerable plaque. The development of imaging probes with high sensitivity and specificity in identifying high-risk atherosclerotic vessel wall changes and plaques is crucial for improving knowledge-based decisions and tailored individual interventions. Arterial PET imaging with 18F-FDG has shown promising results in identifying inflammatory vessel wall changes in numerous studies and clinical trials. However, due to its limited specificity in general and its intense physiological uptake in the left ventricular myocardium that impair imaging of the coronary arteries, different PET tracers for the molecular imaging of atherosclerosis have been evaluated. This review describes biological, chemical and medical expertise supporting a translational approach that will enable the development of new or the evaluation of existing PET tracers for the identification of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques for better risk prediction and benefit to patients.
Assessing the ratio of Bacillus spores and vegetative cells by shotgun proteomics
Mass spectrometry for rapid identification of microorganisms is expanding over the last years because this approach is quick. This methodology provides a decisive interest to fight against bioterrorism as it is applicable whatever the pathogen to be considered and often allows subtyping which may be crucial for confirming a massive and widespread attack with biological agents. Here, we present a methodology based on next-generation proteomics and tandem mass spectrometry for discovering numerous protein biomarkers allowing the discrimination of spores and vegetative cells of Bacillus atrophaeus, a biowarfare simulant. We propose a global quantitative evaluation of the two groups of discriminant biomarkers based on their aggregated normalized spectral abundance factors.
Alveolar bone preservation by a hydroxyapatite/collagen composite material after tooth extraction
The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a hydroxyapatite/collagen composite material (HAp/Col) for preservation of alveolar bone after tooth extraction.
Materials and methods
HAp/Col was applied to the alveolus bone ridge preservation after tooth extraction, because of subsequent dental implant placement in 35 regions of 24 patients (mean age, 59.3 years; range, 25–81 years). Cone beam computed tomography was used to assess changes in alveolar bone at the extraction site before and at 3 months (mean, 13.7 weeks; range, 10–17 weeks) after tooth extraction. Changes in height and width of the alveolar bone were measured to evaluate bone reduction after surgery. Bone biopsy was performed at 11 regions of dental implant placement to observe bone regeneration and remaining material in the extraction socket.
The alveolar bone height was decreased by 0.00 ± 2.44 mm at the buccal side and 0.35 ± 1.73 mm at the lingual side, while the width was decreased by 1.02 ± 1.64 mm at 3 months after surgery. The middle of the socket floor was elevated by 5.71 ± 3.45 mm at 3 months after surgery. Bone biopsy specimens revealed no remaining implanted material, and approximately 49.79 ± 14.41% of the specimens were occupied by bone tissue.
According to the result of this study, HAp/Col is a reliable material to presearve alveolar bone after tooth extraction.
Clinical relevance
HAp/Col contributes dental implant treatment due to maintain the alveolar bone after tooth extraction.
“Green” UV‐LED Gel Nail Polishes from Bio‐Based Materials
International Journal of Cosmetic Science, Volume 0, Issue ja, -Not available-.
Efficacy of an Intervention for the Children With Severe Speech Sounds Disorders
Intervention: Behavioral: Treatment for Children with Severe Speech Sound Disorders
Sponsor: Chinese University of Hong Kong
Not yet recruiting
Application of Ultrasonic Gray-scale Ratio in Differentiating Benign From Malignant Thyroid Nodules.
Intervention: Diagnostic Test: ultrasound gray-scale ratio
Sponsor: First People's Hospital of Hangzhou
Not yet recruiting
Study of Nivolumab Alone or in Combination With Ipilimumab as Immunotherapy vs Standard Follow-up in Surgical Resectable HNSCC After Adjuvant Therapy
Interventions: Procedure: Surgical resection of primary tumor; Radiation: Adjuvant radio(-chemo)therapy; Drug: Neoadjuvant Nivolumab; Drug: Adjuvant Nivolumab; Drug: Adjuvant Nivolumab and Ipilimumab
Sponsors: Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf; University Hospital, Essen; Westpfalz-Clinical Center GmbH; Charite University, Berlin, Germany
Neoadjuvant and Concurrent PD-1 Blockade Combined With Definitive Chemoradiation in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Interventions: Drug: Sintilimab; Drug: Gemcitabine; Drug: Cisplatin; Radiation: intensity-modulated radiotherapy
Sponsors: Sun Yat-sen University; Innovent Biologics (Suzhou) Co. Ltd.
Not yet recruiting
Early Detection of Head and Neck Superficial Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Patients With Esophagus Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Interventions: Device: first OE; Device: first WLI
Sponsor: Shandong University
Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Neuro-Ophthalmology
Risk Factors for Fellow Eye Involvement in Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy
Issue Information
Journal of Cutaneous Pathology, Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2018.
Nail clipping with onychomycosis and surprise clue to the diagnosis of nail unit melanoma
Journal of Cutaneous Pathology, Volume 45, Issue 11, Page 803-806, November 2018.
Skin Research and Technology, Volume 24, Issue 4, Page i-iv, November 2018.
Case Series showing efficacy of ALA‐Photodynamic therapy for Epidermal Growth factor Receptor Inhibitors‐induced paronychia and pyogenic granuloma like lesions
British Journal of Dermatology, Volume 0, Issue ja, -Not available-.
Treatment of mycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome with romidepsin: a series of 32 cases of the French Study Group for Cutaneous Lymphoma
British Journal of Dermatology, Volume 0, Issue ja, -Not available-.
Effects of boundary condition on shrinkage vectors of a flowable composite in experimental cavity models made of dental substrates
Bond strength to enamel and dentin depends on the bonding approach or condition. This study investigated the effects of the boundary conditions, in terms of the bonding substrate and the bonding condition, on the shrinkage vectors of a flowable composite.
Materials and methods
An experimental cylindrical cavity (diameter = 6 mm, depth = 3 mm) consisting of the enamel floor and the surrounding dentin cavity walls was prepared for the "enamel-floor" group. Cylindrical cavities of the same dimensions were prepared with access from the occlusal enamel into dentin and served as controls. Each cavity model group was divided and bonded with two bonding conditions (n = 9): a self-etch (Adper Easy Bond, 3M ESPE) and a total-etch approach (OptiBond FL, Kerr). The composite (Tetric EvoFlow, Ivoclar Vivadent) was mixed with glass beads, applied to the cavity, scanned twice by micro-CT (uncured and cured states). The scans were evaluated by rigid registration, sphere segmentation, and registration for computing shrinkage vectors.
The free surface of all restorations moved downward. The shrinkage vectors in the experimental cavity model pointed downward towards the enamel cavity floor, and the net axial movement was downward. In the control group, shrinkage vectors additionally moved upward, away from the cavity floor. The effect of the bonding substrate and the bonding condition was investigated for the shrinkage vectors and the axial movement (univariate ANOVA).
The bonding substrate, enamel, influenced the shrinkage vectors' direction, while the bonding condition caused only variations in the magnitude.
Clinical relevance
Bonding to enamel influences shrinkage vectors' direction, while the bonding condition plays only a minor role.
Graphical abstract
Capturing complexity of the diffusion-weighted MR signal decay
Publication date: Available online 9 October 2018
Source: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Author(s): Richard L. Magin, M. Muge Karaman, Matt G. Hall, Wenzhen Zhu, Xiaohong Joe Zhou
Diffusion-weighted MRI (dMRI) is a key component of clinical radiology. When analyzing diffusion-weighted images, radiologists often seek to infer microscopic tissue structure through measurements of the diffusion coefficient, D0 (mm2/s). This multi-scale problem is framed by the creation of diffusion models of signal decay based on physical laws, histological structure, and biophysical constraints. The purpose of this paper is to simplify the model building process by focusing on the observed decay in the effective diffusion coefficient as a function of diffusion weighting (b-value), D(b), that is often observed in complex biological tissues. We call this approach the varying diffusion curvature (VDC) model. Since this is a heuristic model, the exact functional form of this decay is not important, so here we examine a simple exponential function, D(b) = D0exp(−bD1), where D0 and D1 capture aspects of hindered and restricted diffusion, respectively. As an example of the potential of the VDC model, we applied it to dMRI data collected from normal and diseased human brain tissue using Stejskal-Tanner diffusion gradient pulses. In order to illustrate the connection between D0 and D1 and the sub-voxel structure we also analyzed dMRI data from families of Sephadex beads selected with increasing tortuosity. Finally, we applied the VDC model to dMRI simulations of nested muscle fiber phantoms whose permeability, atrophy, and fiber size distribution could be changed. These results demonstrate that the VDC model is sensitive to sub-voxel tissue structure and composition (porosity, tortuosity, and permeability), hence can capture tissue complexity in a manner that could be easily applied in clinical dMRI.
Responsibility of Neuropsychologists: The Case of the “Sonic Attack”
Publication date: Available online 9 October 2018
Source: Cortex
Author(s): Sergio Della Sala
Announcing a Registered Reports special issue at Cortex for the ABCD study
Publication date: Available online 9 October 2018
Source: Cortex
Author(s): Chris Chambers
Cosmetics, Vol. 5, Pages 59: Formulating O/W Emulsions with Plant-Based Actives: A Stability Challenge for an Effective Product
Cosmetics, Vol. 5, Pages 59: Formulating O/W Emulsions with Plant-Based Actives: A Stability Challenge for an Effective Product
Cosmetics doi: 10.3390/cosmetics5040059
Authors: Alessandra Semenzato Alessia Costantini Marisa Meloni Giada Maramaldi Martino Meneghin Gianni Baratto
Quality, safety, and efficacy concerns added to instability, poor absorption, and the dispersion of actives are common problems while formulating plant-based cosmetics. Furthermore, a correct balance between the stability of the emulsion, the sensory profile, and the high efficacy has to be considered to formulate an effective product. In this paper, we demonstrate that rheology is a methodological tool that can be used while designing a new product. In particular, we developed an O/W emulsion which is easy to spread on irritated skin, and that can soothe the redness and discomfort caused by the exposure to both physical and chemical irritating agents. The green active mixture consists of three natural raw materials: Bosexil®, Zanthalene®, and Xilogel®. Each ingredient has a well-demonstrated efficacy in terms of soothing, anti-itching, and moisturizing properties respectively. Starting from the selection of a new green emulsifying system, through the analysis of the rheological properties, we obtained a stable and easy-to-apply o/w emulsion. The efficacy of the optimized product was assessed in vitro on intact and injured skin using the SkinEthic™ Reconstituted Human Epidermis (RHE) as a biological model.
Long-term sequelae of the less than total thyroidectomy procedures for benign thyroid nodular disease
Nodular goiter is the most common disorder of the thyroid gland. Less than total thyroidectomy procedures are considered the gold standard in the surgical management of nodular thyroid disease despite its propensity for recurrence. The aim of the study was to assess long-term sequelae of the less than total thyroidectomy procedures.
Material and methods
In this single-center retrospective study, records of 154 patients that underwent less than total thyroidectomy, for nodular disease and/or hyperthyroidism between 1998 and 2013, were reviewed. Patients with malignant findings in the histology report and a follow-up of less than 5 years were excluded.
The mean age of the recorded patients was 65.1 ± 12.91 years of which 132 were females. Subtotal thyroidectomy was performed in 45.5% of the study population, 22.1% underwent partial thyroidectomy, while the remaining 32.5% underwent lobectomy. Long-term thyroxine supplementation was administered in 138 patients (89.6%). Recurrence of clinically important nodules (>1 cm) was observed in 68.2% of patients but only 11% of the population underwent completion thyroidectomy. In the univariate analysis, the duration of follow-up (p = 0.00005, C.I.: 0.903–0.965) as well as the type of operation (p = 0.035, C.I.: 1.031–2.348) appeared to have a significant correlation with nodular recurrence. The multivariate analysis identified the duration of follow-up (p = 0.0005, C.I.: 0.908–0.973) as the only significant predictive factor of nodular recurrence.
This is the first study with such a long duration of post-operative follow-up. The high rate of nodular recurrence in less than total thyroidectomy procedures along with the lifelong need for thyroxine supplementation suggest that a more conservative surgical approach is needed. When surgery is recommended, we suggest total thyroidectomy as the treatment of choice to avoid the recurrence of disease, the high cost associated with frequent follow-ups by means of sonography as well as thyroxine replacement therapy.
A stochastic epigenetic Mendelian oligogenic disease model for type 1 diabetes
Publication date: Available online 8 October 2018
Source: Journal of Autoimmunity
Author(s): Chester A. Alper, Charles E. Larsen, Michael R. Trautwein, Dennis R. Alford
The incidence of type 1 diabetes (T1D) and some other complex diseases is increasing. The cause has been attributed to an undefined changing environment. We examine the role of the environment (or any changing non-genetic mechanism) in causing the rising incidence, and find much evidence against it: 1) Dizygotic twin T1D concordance is the same as siblings of patients in general; 2) If the environment is responsible for both the discordance among identical twins of patients with T1D and its rising incidence, the twin concordance rate should be rising, but it is not; 3) Migrants from high-to low-incidence countries continue to have high-incidence children; 4) TID incidence among the offspring of two T1D parents is identical to the monozygotic twin rate. On the other hand, genetic association studies of T1D have revealed strong susceptibility in the major histocompatibility complex and many optional additive genes of small effect throughout the human genome increasing T1D risk. We have, from an analysis of previously published family studies, developed a stochastic epigenetic Mendelian oligogenic (SEMO) model consistent with published observations. The model posits a few required recessive causal genes with incomplete penetrance explaining virtually all of the puzzling features of T1D, including its rising incidence and the specific low T1D incidence rates among first-degree relatives of patients. Since historic selection against any causal gene could prevent T1D, we postulate that the rising incidence is because of increasing population mixing of parents from some previously isolated populations that had selected against different causal genes.
Long-term sequelae of the less than total thyroidectomy procedures for benign thyroid nodular disease
Nodular goiter is the most common disorder of the thyroid gland. Less than total thyroidectomy procedures are considered the gold standard in the surgical management of nodular thyroid disease despite its propensity for recurrence. The aim of the study was to assess long-term sequelae of the less than total thyroidectomy procedures.
Material and methods
In this single-center retrospective study, records of 154 patients that underwent less than total thyroidectomy, for nodular disease and/or hyperthyroidism between 1998 and 2013, were reviewed. Patients with malignant findings in the histology report and a follow-up of less than 5 years were excluded.
The mean age of the recorded patients was 65.1 ± 12.91 years of which 132 were females. Subtotal thyroidectomy was performed in 45.5% of the study population, 22.1% underwent partial thyroidectomy, while the remaining 32.5% underwent lobectomy. Long-term thyroxine supplementation was administered in 138 patients (89.6%). Recurrence of clinically important nodules (>1 cm) was observed in 68.2% of patients but only 11% of the population underwent completion thyroidectomy. In the univariate analysis, the duration of follow-up (p = 0.00005, C.I.: 0.903–0.965) as well as the type of operation (p = 0.035, C.I.: 1.031–2.348) appeared to have a significant correlation with nodular recurrence. The multivariate analysis identified the duration of follow-up (p = 0.0005, C.I.: 0.908–0.973) as the only significant predictive factor of nodular recurrence.
This is the first study with such a long duration of post-operative follow-up. The high rate of nodular recurrence in less than total thyroidectomy procedures along with the lifelong need for thyroxine supplementation suggest that a more conservative surgical approach is needed. When surgery is recommended, we suggest total thyroidectomy as the treatment of choice to avoid the recurrence of disease, the high cost associated with frequent follow-ups by means of sonography as well as thyroxine replacement therapy.
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loss. Its relatively frequent familial incidence implicates a genetic background. An …
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styles, and quality of life among individuals' diagnosed with Meniere's disease …
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Peripheral Vestibular Disorders: An Epidemiologic Survey in 70 Million Individuals
Nevertheless, there is a lack of valid da.
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μαθητών (auditory learners) • Οι ακουστικοί τύποι μαθαίνουν με την ακοή …
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Medical Versus Surgical Treatment of Pediatric Acute Mastoiditis: A Systematic Review
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Correlation between laryngopharyngeal reflux and otitis media with effusion in adults patients
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Heterozygous loss-of-function variants of MEIS2 cause a triad of palatal defects, congenital heart defects, and intellectual disability
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Procedural Burden Experienced by Children with Cancer during their Terminal Hospital Admission
operation to death was sinus surgery/myringotomy and the shortest durations
from operation to death were seen in intraabdominal exploratory surgery …
Kids Nowadays Hear Better Than We Did: Declining Prevalence of Hearing Loss in US Youth, 1966–2010
sex; low family income; history of earaches, myringotomy, or more … Significant
fully adjusted associations in this time period included history of ear pressure …
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