Source:Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology
Author(s): Yoon Joo Cho, Eun Ju Ha, Miran Han, Jin Wook Choi
This study evaluated the diagnostic performance of ultrasound elastography (USE) using carotid arterial pulsation and determined the reproducibility of USE for thyroid nodules. A total of 148 patients with 173 thyroid nodules participated. The mean elasticity contrast index (ECI) was significantly higher in malignant nodules (3.1 ± 1.5) than in benign nodules (1.7 ± 0.8) (p < 0.001). When a cut-off ECI value of 3.5 was used, the diagnostic accuracy (78.6%) of gray-scale ultrasound (US) + ECI was the highest compared with that of the gray-scale US (76.9%) and ECI (67.1%). In 16 of 43 nodules (37.2%) with US-pathology, discordance could be correctly reclassified as benign (8 of 11) or malignant (8 of 32). The intra-class correlation coefficient for inter-observer agreement was 0.96, and those for intra-observer agreement were 0.97 and 0.98. Thyroid nodules with ECI values of >3.5 may have an additional value to increase the diagnostic accuracy for nodules with US-pathology discordance with reproducible results.
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