Ειδοποίηση Μελετητή:[ ΜΑΣΤΟΕΙΔΙΤΙΣ ]
[HTML] Bezold's abscess in a diabetic patient without significant clinical symptoms
K Katayama, H Gomi, T Shirokawa, H Akizuki… - IDCases, 2017
... Bezold's abscess is a deep neck abscess arising from mastoiditis. • Immunosuppressive state
obscures the symptoms of abscess. • ... ・ Bezold’s abscess is a deep neck abscess arising
from mastoiditis. ・ Immunosuppressive state obscures the symptoms of abscess. ...
obscures the symptoms of abscess. • ... ・ Bezold’s abscess is a deep neck abscess arising
from mastoiditis. ・ Immunosuppressive state obscures the symptoms of abscess. ...
Comparaison des modalités de traitements antibiotiques post-opératoires des mastoïdites aiguës sans complication intracrânienne chez l'enfant
N Rouillard-Bazinet - 2017
... Acute mastoiditis is one of the most common complication of acute otitis media in children under
two years old. ... Our objective was to compare the oral and intravenous post-operative treatments
of pediatric acute mastoiditis without intracranial complication. ...
two years old. ... Our objective was to compare the oral and intravenous post-operative treatments
of pediatric acute mastoiditis without intracranial complication. ...
Hearing loss in patients with extracranial complications of chronic otitis media.
T Przewoźny, J Kuczkowski - Otolaryngologia polska= The Polish otolaryngology, 2017
... As regards the severity of hearing impairment in pure tone average the prevalence of
complications was as follows: labyrinthitis (77.8±33.6 dBHL), facial palsy (57.1±14.3 dBHL),
perilymphatic fistula (53.9±19.9 dBHL) and mastoiditis (42.2±9.5 dBHL) (p=0.023). ...
complications was as follows: labyrinthitis (77.8±33.6 dBHL), facial palsy (57.1±14.3 dBHL),
perilymphatic fistula (53.9±19.9 dBHL) and mastoiditis (42.2±9.5 dBHL) (p=0.023). ...
[PDF] Die Funktion von intrazerebralen Makrophagen beim Staphylococcus aureus-induzierten Hirnabszess im Kontext der IL-4R-abhängigen Aktivierung
L Zobel - 2017
... des Patienten. Ursache ist in etwa 50% der Fälle eine Absiedlung von Bakterien eines nahe
gelegenen Entzündungsherdes wie beispielsweise einer Otitis media, Sinusitis, Mastoiditis oder
einer Entzündung der Zähne (14-17). Hierbei entstehen meist solitäre, ...
gelegenen Entzündungsherdes wie beispielsweise einer Otitis media, Sinusitis, Mastoiditis oder
einer Entzündung der Zähne (14-17). Hierbei entstehen meist solitäre, ...
Diagnóstico microbiológico de las infecciones relacionadas con la formación de biopelículas
MD Macià, JL del Pozo, M Díez-Aguilar, J Guinea - Enfermedades Infecciosas y …, 2017
... La incidencia de infección asociada a implantes cocleares es baja, situándose entre el
1,6 y 10%. Lo más frecuente es que se afecte la herida quirúrgica, seguida de otitis media
y las complicaciones derivadas como la mastoiditis o la meningitis. ...
1,6 y 10%. Lo más frecuente es que se afecte la herida quirúrgica, seguida de otitis media
y las complicaciones derivadas como la mastoiditis o la meningitis. ...
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