
Τρίτη 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2018

Dataset of spray deposit distribution in vine canopy for two contrasted performance sprayers during a vegetative cycle associated with crop indicators (LWA and TRV)

Publication date: Available online 13 February 2018
Source:Data in Brief
Author(s): Sébastien Codis, Mathilde Carra, Xavier Delpuech, Patrick Montegano, Henri Nicot, Bernadette Ruelle, Xavier Ribeyrolles, Blandine Savajols, Adrien Vergès, Olivier Naud
In 2016, spray deposit measurements have been carried out according to ISO22522:2007 on a vine estate (Domaine Mas Piquet, 15ha, Languedoc). On this estate, plots vigor ranges from low to medium compared to other vineyards. On 4 days (28thApril, 25thMay, 23rdJune and 18thJuly 2016), spray deposition has been measured on 5 plots of different vine varieties chosen for their distinct vigor. Two different sprayers have been used: a low performance sprayer (pneumatic arch sprayer used every 4 rows) and a high performance sprayer (air assisted side by side sprayer). Spray deposition was measured using a tracer (Tartrazine E102) sprayed on sampling 40cm² PVC collectors placed within the vegetation: on each plot, 4 trees have been sampled for each sprayer. On each tree, collectors were positioned on leaves within the canopy according to a profile perpendicular to the row, following a grid 20cm high and 10cm wide with one collector per pixel. A total amount of 3048 collectors have been analyzed individually. The dataset provide the normalized deposit expressed per unit of leaves area for one gram of tracer sprayed per hectare (unit: ng.dm² for 1g.ha−1) on each collector. In addition, the dataset propose crop parameters measured manually on each sampled tree: inter-row distance, height, average of thickness in order to calculate two crop structure indicators: TRV (Tree Row volume) and LWA (Leaf Wall Area).


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