
Δευτέρα 30 Απριλίου 2018

Non-interventional study to collect data for the application of lidocaine gel 2% during scaling and root planing and professional mechanical plaque removal



Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of a topical lidocaine gel 2% (LG) during scaling and root planing (SRP) and professional mechanical plaque removal (PMPR).

Materials and methods

The anesthetic effects as well as unwanted effects of LG prior to or during SRP and PMPR were evaluated in an observational, non-randomized, non-interventional study design. A total of 385 treatments were recorded in 68 study centers all over Germany. Rating of the anesthetic effect of LG by treating personnel and patients using a four-item verbal rating scale (VRS), tolerability, safety (adverse effects), and need for additional local injection anesthesia (ALI).


In SRP as well as in PMPR, application of LG allowed a sufficiently pain-free therapy in more than 90% of the patients as stated on the VRS (SRP: 97.8%, PMPR: 93.75%). Overall, ALI was needed in only 4.23% of the patients treated (SRP: 5.3%, PMPR: 2.62%). One adverse effect occurred within the observation.


Application of LG may offer a safe and effective way to achieve pain-free therapy in periodontal patients.

Clinical relevance

Patient compliance is key to the success of periodontal maintenance therapy. Effective and safe pain control during various kinds of periodontal therapy might increase patient compliance and therefore contribute to the long-term treatment success, among other factors. With regard to the patients observed in this study, 47% had previously received periodontal maintenance therapy and were therefore familiar with the treatment and the associated pain.


Tropospheric ozone enhancement during post-harvest crop-residue fires at two downwind sites of the Indo-Gangetic Plain


In the present study, surface ozone (O3), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and carbon monoxide (CO) levels were measured at two sites downwind of fire active region in the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP): Agra (27.16° N, 78.08° E) and Delhi (28.37° N, 77.12° E) to study the impact of post-harvest crop-residue fires. The study period was classified into two groups: Pre-harvest period and Post-harvest period. During the post-harvest period, an enhancement of 17.3 and 31.7 ppb in hourly averaged O3 mixing ratios was observed at Agra and Delhi, respectively, under similar meteorological conditions. The rate of change of O3 was also higher in the post-harvest period by 56.2% in Agra and 39.5% in Delhi. Relatively higher O3 episodic days were observed in the post-harvest period. Fire hotspots detected by Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) along with backward air-mass trajectory analysis suggested that the enhanced O3 and CO levels at the study sites during the post-harvest period could be attributed to crop-residue burning over the North-West IGP (NW-IGP). Satellite observations of surface CO mixing ratios and tropospheric formaldehyde (HCHO) column also showed higher levels during the post-harvest period.

Graphical abstract


Removal of pharmaceutically active compounds from synthetic and real aqueous mixtures and simultaneous disinfection by supported TiO 2 /UV-A, H 2 O 2 /UV-A, and TiO 2 /H 2 O 2 /UV-A processes


Pharmaceutically active compounds are carried into aquatic bodies along with domestic sewage, industrial and agricultural wastewater discharges. Psychotropic drugs, which can be toxic to the biota, have been detected in natural waters in different parts of the world. Conventional water treatments, such as activated sludge, do not properly remove these recalcitrant substances, so the development of processes able to eliminate these compounds becomes very important. Advanced oxidation processes are considered clean technologies, capable of achieving high rates of organic compounds degradation, and can be an efficient alternative to conventional treatments. In this study, the degradation of alprazolam, clonazepam, diazepam, lorazepam, and carbamazepine was evaluated through TiO2/UV-A, H2O2/UV-A, and TiO2/H2O2/UV-A, using sunlight and artificial irradiation. While using TiO2 in suspension, best results were found at [TiO2] = 0.1 g L−1. H2O2/UV-A displayed better results under acidic conditions, achieving from 60 to 80% of removal. When WWTP was used, degradation decreased around 50% for both processes, TiO2/UV-A and H2O2/UV-A, indicating a strong matrix effect. The combination of both processes was shown to be an adequate approach, since removal increased up to 90%. H2O2/UV-A was used for disinfecting the aqueous matrices, while mineralization was obtained by TiO2-photocatalysis.


Scholar : ΦΩΝΗ - νέα αποτελέσματα

[PDF] Άλγεβρα και κρυπτογραφία

Σ Στρατή - 2018
… παραλήπτης. Ο αποστολέας θέλει να στείλει ένα ήνυ α, που το ονο άζου ε απλό κεί
ενο, το κωδικοποιεί χρησι οποιώντας ία έθοδο, η οποία είναι ήδη συ φωνη ένη ε τον
παραλήπτη, η έθοδος αυτή λέγεται κλειδί της κωδικοποίησης …
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[PDF] Θεραπευτικές προσεγγίσεις αναγεννητικής ιατρικής σε νευροεκφυλιστικές ασθένειες με χρήση βλαστικών κυττάρων

Α Πατσιάς - 2018
Page 1. Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα «Βασικές Βιοϊατρικές Επιστήμες (ΒΒΕ)» Μεταπτυχιακό
Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης (ΜΔΕ) Τίτλος : «Θεραπευτικές προσεγγίσεις αναγεννητικής ιατρικής
σε νευροεκφυλιστικές ασθένειες με χρήση βλαστικών κυττάρων» …
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Р Злапганова
… пмсы «лвоты НЗБЬЕЬ- штсннк пхкы възвьмнк пл.кы Еъзврьитннк: ш
„..«к Cvup 243.28—244.1 πάλιν χαράς εΰαγγάλια, Γνιιο 243.28—244.1
πάλιν χαράς εύαγγελια, πάλιν έλευθερίας μηνύματα, πάλιν Α '«λτισις πάλιν …
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[PDF] Η απόδοση των αγοραστών από τις αναπτυγμένες δυτικές αγορές των ΗΠΑ, ΗΒ & ΕΕ σε προσφορές Σ&Ε Κινεζικών εταιριών από την Κίνα και η αντίστοιχη απόδοση …

L Cakani - 2018
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[PDF] Αποκατάσταση ατόμων με οπτικές αναπηρίες και δεξιότητες καθημερινής διαβίωσης

Χ Σαββαΐδου - 2018
Κοινωνικής Πολιτικής Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών « Ειδική αγωγή …
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Scholar : ΛΟΓΟΣ - νέα αποτελέσματα

Effekte von Textproduktion auf das Bewegungslernen

M Lutz - 2018
Page 1. SCHULSPORTFORSCHUNG Stefan König (Hrsg.) Manuel Lutz
Effekte von Textproduktion auf das Bewegungslernen λογος Page 2.
Page 3 … Page 5. Manuel Lutz Effekte von Textproduktion auf das …
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Ανάλυση κίνησης σε τοπικό δίκτυο με χρήση αναλυτή πρωτοκόλλων

Π Ψωμιάδης - 2018
… Ακόμα, θα γίνει λόγος σχετικά με τα είδη επιθέσεων του διαδικτύου όπως
είναι οι επιθέσεις άρνησης υπηρεσίας (Denial of service), ενώ στη συνέχεια
θα παρουσιαστούν τεχνολογίες αντιμετώπισης ανάλογων απειλών, όπως …
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Η εισαγωγή του συστήματος Ομοιογενών Διαγνωστικών Κατηγοριών (ΚΕΝ-DRGs) στα ελληνικά νοσοκομεία. Η διάρκεια νοσηλείας ασθενών πριν και μετά την εφαρμογή …

Χ Σοκολάκη - 2018
… αποζημίωση των νοσοκομείων, σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο. Ο κύριος λόγος για τη
δημοτικότητα των DRGs είναι ότι θεωρείται ότι παρέχουν ισχυρά κίνητρα για τη βελτίωση
της αποδοτικότητας. Η εφαρμογή των ΚΕΝ (Κλειστών Ενοποιημένων …
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achtsam lernen: Psychische Gesundheit systemisch bilden

M Kroll
Page 1. Michael Kroll achtsam lernen Psychische Gesundheit systemisch bilden
λογος Page 2. Page 3. Michael Kroll achtsam lernen Psychische Gesundheit
systemisch bilden λογος Page 4. Bibliografische Information …
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[PDF] Υδροθεραπεία σε παιδιά με εγκεφαλική παράλυση

ΠΑΜ Αγγελετοπούλου, ΒΑΜ Κασίμη - 2018
… ιδιότητες του νερού και τα προγράμματα υδροθεραπείας σε παιδιά με
εγκεφαλική παράλυση. Ο λόγος που επιλέχθηκε το παρόν θέμα είναι ότι,
η υδροθεραπεία ενδεχομένως είναι ένα πιο ευχάριστο θεραπευτικό μέσο …
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Social cognition and normal aging: behavioral and electrophysiological substrates

PA Shoshilou - 2018
… Το φαινόμενο αυτό εξηγείται μέσω της «υπόθεσης της αναπλήρωσης»,
σύμφωνα με την οποία, ο λόγος που συγκεκριμένα άτομα διατηρούν
αυξημένες ικανότητες κατά την εκτέλεση διάφορων γνωστικών έργων είναι …
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Μελέτη πολυφασικών θερμοηλεκτρικών υλικών

ΕΧ Στεφανάκη - 2018
… και μη μοντέλα και υπολογίστηκαν χαρακτηριστικά τους όπως η ενεργός
μάζα ελεύθερων φορέων (m*D), η οπτική ενεργός μάζα (m*S), η διαμήκης
ενεργός μάζα (m*L), η εγκάρσια διαμήκης μάζα σε κατεύθυνση κάθετη προς …
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A Hymn to God Assigned to Gregory of Nazianzus and Its Neoplatonic Context

A Timotin - The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition, 2018
… Ὦ πάντων ἐπέκεινα τί γὰρ θέμις ἄλλο σε μέλπειν; How can a speech praise You? Because
you cannot be spoken by any speech. Πῶς λόγος ὑμνήσει σε; σὺ γὰρ λόγῳ οὐδενὶ ῥητόν.
How can an intellect perceive You? Because you cannot be grasped by any intellect …
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Das Prinzip Nachhaltigkeit in der Diskussion der katholischen Sozialethik

M Fetko
Page 1. Sozialethische Studien Herausgegeben von Zbigniew J. Waleszczuk Das
Prinzip Nachhaltigkeit in der Diskussion der katholischen Sozialethik Michael Fetko
λογος Page 2. Page 3. Sozialethische Studien Band 2 Page 4 …
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Effects of integrated learning: explicating a mathematical concept in inquiry-based science camps

L Bindel
Page 1. Studien zum Physik- und Chemielernen H. Niedderer, H. Fischler, E. Sumfleth
[Hrsg.] 250 Louise Bindel Eects of integrated learning: explicating a mathematical
concept in inquiry-based science camps λογος Page 2 …
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Scholar : CPAP - νέα αποτελέσματα

0444 Impact of CPAP versus Supplemental Oxygen on Cardiac Electophysiological Indices in Obstructive Sleep Apnea: The HeartBEAT study

J George, L Wang, R Nawabit, F Kaffashi, HK Walia… - Sleep, 2018
Methods Participants were enrolled in a multi-center randomized controlled trial
(Heart Biomarker Elevation in Apnea Treatment study, NCT01086800) designed to
compare effects of 3 months of NSO versus CPAP versus healthy lifestyle education …
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1048 Impact of Automated CPAP Tele-monitoring on CPAP Adherence At 2 Years: Follow-up From The Tele-OSA Randomized Clinical Trial

J Chang, J Liang, K Becker, J Kim, R Woodrum… - Sleep, 2018
Methods This 4-arm randomized clinical trial was conducted at Kaiser Permanente
sleep center (Fontana, CA) studying patients referred for suspected OSA and
appropriate for home sleep apnea testing; if indicated, CPAP was ordered with …
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1083 Using an Electronic Health Record (EHR) to Identify Chronic CPAP Users with Abnormal HL7 CPAP Data

M Tan, B Keenan, B Staley, R Anafi, R Schwab… - Sleep, 2018
Methods This was a prospective pilot of patients using CPAP for> 12 months with
EHR-based PAP data within the past 30 days. An EHR workbench report screened
for patients with residual AHI≥ 15 or high leak. Alternating patients received auto …
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0388 ASV Vs CPAP RCT: Changes in Impairment in Complex Insomnia Disorder

ND McIver, B Krakow, VA Ulibarri - Sleep, 2018
Methods In this prospective, single-blind (patients) RCT, we studied 40 chronic
insomniacs [ASV= 19; CPAP= 21] with previously unrecognized sleep apnea. During
a 15-week protocol, impairment was assessed using four scales: three validated …
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0750 Interdisciplinary CPAP Care In Children: Report On A 5-year QI Initiative In A Pediatric Sleep Center

SE Beck, MS Xanthopoulos, MC Menello, CM Brown… - Sleep, 2018
Methods All patients initiated on CPAP in the Sleep Center at Children's Hospital of
Philadelphia from 2013-present were managed according to our interdisciplinary
practice and reviewed in regular QI meetings. Utilizing a REDCap database and a …
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1076 Good Driving Behavior: A Reasonable Predictor Of Cpap Adherence?

D Rizzo, G Lavigne, S Bailes, M Baltzan, L Creti… - Sleep, 2018
Methods Participants were 23 individuals between the ages of 25 and 70 (M= 49.61),
recruited from sleep clinics and were newly diagnosed with OSA by a sleep medicine
specialist. At baseline, all participants completed questionnaires on driving …
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0527 Average CPAP-compliance Among Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients Treated In Sleep Laboratory Of Medical Centre Hungarian Defence Forces

M Dombovari, Z Szakacs - Sleep, 2018
Methods For this study we examined the compliance results of 3403 patients with
severe sleep apnea treated in our sleep laboratory from the 1. st of January, 2008-till
the 30. th of September, 2017. The diagnosis and the CPAP titration were based on …
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0386 ASV Vs CPAP RCT: Changes in Insomnia Severity Index (ISI)

B Krakow, ND McIver, VA Ulibarri - Sleep, 2018
Methods A prospective, single-blind (patients), RCT studied 40 chronic insomniacs,
who had never seen a sleep specialist or received a sleep apnea diagnosis; and
none believed they suffered a sleep breathing disorder or that it caused their chronic …
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1075 The Effect of Changing the First CPAP Mask on Compliance

N Mastromatto, N Killough, B Keenan, R Schwab… - Sleep, 2018
Methods Penn CPAP Program patients are all fitted by a lab technician, provider, or
DME. We examined data on requests for replacement of the first mask among new
CPAP prescriptions over a 6-month period (January-June 2017). We compared the …
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0544 Does Transition From Cpap To Bipap Improve Symptoms Of Aerophagia?

KA Tran, K Doghramji - Sleep, 2018
Methods We reviewed clinical charts of patients who had undergone BiPAP titration
studies between January, 1997 and December, 2017 and who had previously been
treated with CPAP, and whose treatment was complicated by aerophagia. We …
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Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου