
Πέμπτη 7 Ιουνίου 2018

Automatic classification of radiological reports for clinical care


Publication date: Available online 7 June 2018
Source:Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Author(s): Alfonso Emilio Gerevini, Alberto Lavelli, Alessandro Maffi, Roberto Maroldi, Anne-Lyse Minard, Ivan Serina, Guido Squassina
Radiological reporting generates a large amount of free-text clinical narratives, a potentially valuable source of information for improving clinical care and supporting research. The use of automatic techniques to analyze such reports is necessary to make their content effectively available to radiologists in an aggregated form. In this paper we focus on the classification of chest computed tomography reports according to a classification schema proposed for this task by radiologists of the Italian hospital ASST Spedali Civili di Brescia. The proposed system is built exploiting a training data set containing reports annotated by radiologists. Each report is classified according to the schema developed by radiologists and textual evidences are marked in the report. The annotations are then used to train different machine learning based classifiers. We present in this paper a method based on a cascade of classifiers which make use of a set of syntactic and semantic features. The resulting system is a novel hierarchical classification system for the given task, that we have experimentally evaluated.


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