Author(s): Ernestas Janulionis, Vitalija Samerdokiene, Konstantinas Povilas Valuckas, Vydmantas Atkocius, Mark J. Rivard
PurposeSecond primary malignancies (SPMs) may occur in organs after radiotherapy (RT). This study aimed to determine the rate and distribution of SPMs for photon- or neutron-emitting radiotherapy sources for patients treated for primary endometrial cancer.Methods and MaterialsThe cohort comprised 426 patients with 5334 patient-years of observation. Patients were treated by different methods of RT from 1990 to 2000. Patients received postoperative 60Co external-beam radiotherapy (43.4%), external-beam radiotherapy + high-dose-rate (HDR) intracavitary brachytherapy with 60Co or 252Cf (42.3%), or HDR intracavitary brachytherapy alone with 60Co or 252Cf (14.3%).ResultsOver a 25-year period, 47 SPMs were observed (21 for HDR 60Co and 26 for HDR 252Cf). SPMs were observed for 13 patients in the high-intermediate risk group for each radiation source. Patients treated with 60Co developed SPMs in the urinary tract (1.2%) and in lymphoid/hematopoietic tissues (1.2%). Only three SPM cases (0.7%) were observed in digestive tract. In comparison, the patient group treated with 252Cf developed SPMs in the digestive tract (1.4%) with the majority in the colon (1.2%), urinary tract (0.9%) primarily the kidneys, and vulva (0.7%). All other SPMs (4.9%) were in the low-risk group. Of these, SPMs in the skin were most prevalent (1.6%) for 60Co, and breast (1.6%) for 252Cf, but believed to be caused by factors other than treatment. SPM incidence in the digestive and urinary tracts were similar (2.1%), regardless of radiation source.ConclusionsFor followup at 25 years, 47 SPMs were observed with no differences in the high-intermediate risk group depending on the RT source.
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