The objective of this study was to investigate the temperature sensitivity of labile and relatively recalcitrant forest soil carbon (C) pools amended with biochar during short-term incubation. Biochars were prepared using sugar cane residue under pyrolysis temperatures of 300 and 700 °C (i.e., BC300 and BC700), respectively. Coarse particulate organic matter and acid hydrolysis residue were separated from a forest soil and treated as the labile and recalcitrant C pools of the soil, respectively. Temperature sensitivity of the soil C pools was characterized using the Q10 values (i.e., the proportional increase in respiration per 10 °C rise). The increased Q10 values of treatments in the earlier stage were attributable to instantaneously increased aromatic C content. The following decreased Q10 values were related to the consumption of labile C. However, the two types of biochars led to similar Q10 values in the same C pools at the later stage of incubation, which was closely related to the nearly humic-like component content in the dissolved organic matter. The different temporal distributions of Q10 values were attributable to changes of aromatic C content and continuous consumption of labile components.
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