Source:Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 128, Issue 10
Author(s): O. Hensel, S. Mages, T. Kraya, S. Zierz
BackgroundAn increase of mean flow velocity (MFV) in cerebral arteries can be monitored during processing of visual information (Aaslid, 1987; Rihs et al., 1999), while speaking (Cupini et al., 1996), memory tasks (Vollmer-Haase et al., 1998) and movements of one hand (Orlandi and Murri, 1996) by functional transcranial Doppler (fTCD). The processing of sensitive information (Duschek et al., 2012) or pain (Mages et al., 2016) also leads to an increase in blood flow. Drinking ice-cold water can cause pain in the oral cavity and an ice cream headache (Mages et al., 2016). In this study, it should be investigated whether the oral pain or the headache cause measurable changes of the MFV in the middle cerebral artery (MCA).MethodsThe MFV in both MCA were measured simultaneously during the drinking of 200ml of lukewarm (22°C) and 200ml of ice-cold (0°C) water in 77 young, healthy volunteers (see Fig. 1). After the experiments the occurrence of cold-induced pain in the oral cavity and ice cream headache was documented.ResultsSee Table 1.DiscussionDrinking of liquid leads to a slight increase in the MFV in the ACM (lukewarm water: 2.8%, ice cold water 3.3%). The occurrence of ice cream headache is associated with a MFV increase of about 5% (difference group III with I). The MFV changes during cold-induced pain in the oral cavity are not significant and small (difference group IV and III 1.3%, group II and I 1.5%). Significant increases of MFV in subjects with cold-induced pain in the oral cavity and concomitant ice cream headache were observed. If the diameter of the MCA was constant, it can be concluded that the increase in MFV upon cold ingestion corresponds to an increase in cerebral blood flow.
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