Source:Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Volume 38
Author(s): Ichiro Yamada, Norio Yoshino, Keigo Hikishima, Naoyuki Miyasaka, Shinichi Yamauchi, Hiroyuki Uetake, Masamichi Yasuno, Yukihisa Saida, Ukihide Tateishi, Daisuke Kobayashi, Yoshinobu Eishi
PurposeIn this study, we aimed to evaluate the feasibility of determining the mural invasion depths of colorectal carcinomas using high-spatial-resolution (HSR) quantitative T2 mapping on a 3-T magnetic resonance (MR) scanner.Materials and methodsTwenty colorectal specimens containing adenocarcinomas were imaged on a 3-T MR system equipped with a 4-channel phased-array surface coil. HSR quantitative T2 maps were acquired using a spin-echo sequence with a repetition time/echo time of 7650/22.6–361.6ms (16 echoes), 87×43.5-mm field of view, 2-mm section thickness, 448×224 matrix, and average of 1. HSR fast-spin-echo T2-weighted images were also acquired. Differences between the T2 values (ms) of the tumor tissue, colorectal wall layers, and fibrosis were measured, and the MR images and histopathologic findings were compared.ResultsIn all specimens (20/20, 100%), the HSR quantitative T2 maps clearly depicted an 8-layer normal colorectal wall in which the T2 values of each layer differed from those of the adjacent layer(s) (P<0.001). Using this technique, fibrosis (73.6±9.4ms) and tumor tissue (104.2±6.4ms) could also be clearly differentiated (P<0.001). In 19 samples (95%), the HSR quantitative T2 maps and histopathologic data yielded the same findings regarding the tumor invasion depth.ConclusionsOur results indicate that 3-T HSR quantitative T2 mapping is useful for distinguishing colorectal wall layers and differentiating tumor and fibrotic tissues. Accordingly, this technique could be used to determine mural invasion by colorectal carcinomas with a high level of accuracy.
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